Ahhh man this brings a tear to my eye.

It's always heartwarming to see young people taking an interest in debauchery.

I'm a bit offended by two things though.

#1 you had drunken 18 year girls and DIDN'T INVITE ME??!?!!?! Although I guess I have plenty of those of my own lately ehehehe so it's all good.

#2 though is that you seem to consider The Peeps as some kind of a joke? When you're a bit older and wiser you will realise that a trip to The Peeps is a sacred pilgrimage to a Holy destination.

At least tell me that you got a load off in there though, and then you'll have my full respect.

I've been to a few strip clubs in my time. I guess they would have been more fun if I drank :rolleyes:.

What is it with waitresses (clothed or otherwise) who look down their noses at you and seem to think you're wasting their time unless you order alcohol?

Fuck yeah. I've never seen anyone use more than one ball at once like that before. She juggles like no other.
Ah yes, the joy of seeing young, nubile young ladies taking off their clothes for cash. A fine and noble past time and don't let anyone tell you any different!

Actually the only thing better than giving a really hot stripper $20 for a lap dance is NOT giving them $20 for a lap dance, it's really quite funny seeing the look on some of their faces when they try their best to be all seductive and persuasive and you play along for a few minutes, then say 'NO' when they ask if you want a private dance heheh. Of course you can't say no to EVERY one that asks, that would just be plain rude.

Not that I've ever done any of the above, mind you.


Sounds like a fun night, good work!
Hahahaha that's hilarious I just read that too and found it amusing! I've pretty much lived at strip clubs for the last 2 years now... haha!