Looking for a Song - Don't skip over this thread you dandelions!

The Amazer

Mar 31, 2003

I don't know the name I don't know the artist. Xena all thought she knew what I was talking about but couldn't pin it down.

It basically starts off with a massive chorus singing the numbers of a telephone number.

Something like FIIIVE SEVEEEN FIIIIVE OHHHHH or something, and then sings about a telephone line in it somewhere.

Xena said it was about calling up a bird and her not being home or something. I heard it on the radio and was just BLOWN AWAY.

By the way, it is definately NOT:

Tommy Tutone - 867-5309 (Jenny) - GOOD ONE SALTY YOU ASSHEAD.

and I'm pretty sure it's not ELO - Telephone Line (by looking at the lyrixx) can anyone help PUH-LEEEEASE?



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City Boy

Five seven o five
But there's no reply
Five seven o five

Got myself just one more dime
But will the operator hold the line
When my ears keep telling me
There's no reply, no reply
I pick up the telephone
I go crazy when there's no one home
I feel cheated and small when
My number's on the wall of her room
Call me soon

Hey operator
Five seven o five
But there's no reply
Five seven o five
Why do you keep me hanging on the line

I can't believe that there's no one there
Is this a private number love affair
With your phone booth lover
Still waiting on the wire, high wire
I saw the light shine behind your door
I heard the party on the second floor
But you only pretend that you've been
Visiting friends from abroad, tell me more

Hey operator
Five seven o five
But there's no reply
Five seven o five
Why do you keep me hanging on the line
Mysterious people I can't believe what she done to me
It's too late now
It's all over town

Five seven o five
But there's no reply
Five seven o five
Can you hold the line
If i could find the album that was on, i would have been able to tell Ceydn.

City Boy rock, i will have The day the Earth Caught Fire shortly, if amazon don't fuck me over.
I rule. Amazing what typing a few lyrics into a search engine will do. :)

Never heard of the song, never heard of the band. Yet I'm still a deadset legend. :rock:
Nah, the best song off Sesame Street is the one that goes:

"One two three foooooouuuuuur five
Six seven eight niiiiiine ten
Eleven Twelve!"

So I'm sitting here listening to City Boy. As I have for the past 11 years, the most underrated band of all time.

I have Spiff to thank for finding the song, and Koich for later on sending me this song on MSN:

I like to call it Bohemian Rhapsody's younger brother. It's seriously one of the greatest songs ever written.

So here's to City Boy.
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Nah, the best song off Sesame Street is the one that goes:

"One two three foooooouuuuuur five
Six seven eight niiiiiine ten
Eleven Twelve!"

I also agree this is the best Sesame Street song.

Also, I've edited the original post so people can listen to the song if they want.