I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT (5150 combo + v30 clip)


Aug 3, 2004
Cody, WY, USA
Man, I don't know what took me so long. I found a Vintage 30 on eBay that someone pulled out of a Mesa cab, and I got a good price on it. Pop that thing in the ol' 5150 combo, throw a 57 in front, and man, I am REALLY happy with it now. I apologize for anything I've said in the past in defense of the stock speakers.

Here's a clip.


Sorry about the simplistic beat, the sizzly hi-hats and the muddy low end; I didn't spend too much time on this. Just DFH2 for drums and Spectrasonics Trilogy for bass. Guitar chain was Fender MIM Fat Strat w/EMG 81 at the bridge > hi gain input > rhythm channel. I put the 57 pretty much dead center right on the grille, straight on axis, and I recorded it directly into my Mbox.