I have set my goal...(my debut album process)


Anssi Tenhunen
I am aiming to release my debut album by 2012, be it independently or thru a recordlabel. I don't really care at this point, as money is really not the issue here as I can pretty much record everything for free as I have the needed equipment at hand.

It will be this radiolength, easy to approach kind of material. A mix of grunge, pop, metal, rock and punk. The kind of stuff I've posted on these forums earlier. I was thinking of putting 10-14 songs on the album. I already have 8 demos done, but some of them still need a bit of work, lead melodies and few more parts etc. I will most likely do 20 songs and then scrap the worst ones out before starting the actual recording process.

Since I don't think I'm a very good musician or a singer in any way, but I've mixed about ~900 bands in the past 8 years as live engineer, I've met "a few" musicians, both good and bad, and became friends with a few of them. So I had an idea that I will get some really kickass drummer and bassplayer to do a solid base for the album and then have bunch of friends to come in and sing and shred solos on the album. Kinda like on the Probot and Roadrunner United albums.

I'm also thinking of making the material a bit more diverse soundwise than your average metal album where you use the same guitar amp on each song, so I'll try to use different amp on each song just for the variety, so I might need some reamping from you guys when the time comes.

But we will see what happens :)

edit Oct 27: you can listen to the demos here

That's a very cool goal you've set! I wish you best of the luck and hopefully you will get a label!

Hell yeah... I'm doing pretty much the exact same thing, though I have no set plans for a release... Its started as kind of a "write the songs just to keep writing" type of thing and evolved to a style of songs and I just sit down and write in this style when I'm feeling it...

I look forward to hearing it.

Also, if you need any contributions, I'm game. Drums, Guitar, Bass...
GOOD LUCK TO YOU MAN! I hope it works out for you - sounds like you have the determination and motivation though, and to me as far as "solo" material is concerned, that's 80% of the challenge right there.

I just listed the songs with all working titles so far, and brief description how they sound...

01 Accell (kinda like backyard babies)
02 Knucklehead (d'n'b drums + riffage)
03 Bulletnut (rockballad)
04 Rust (groove metal)
05 Cube (stoner)
06 The Lady (radiorock)
07 Sport (driving music)
08 Hunger (actionmovie music)
09 Ghosts (metal with catchy chorus riff)
10 Medallion (industrial blackmetal meets meshuggah)
11 Gathering (really grim, funeral stuff)
12 QATD (piano ballad)
13 Wisdom (?) I will most likely combine this with Gathering
14 Pulse (emo)
15 Dreamgraph (emo) I will most likely combine this with Pulse as the riffage is very similiar
16 HDYK (acoustic guitar driven summer song)
17 Kore (electro)
cool, I'm about to start recording an album I've been writing for the past 3 or 4 years (not all writing, about 2 of those years were me figuring out what direction I wanted to take my music) and I'm pretty pumped.

I'm just hoping I can do these songs justice as I will be producing everything.
Man I hope you get it all finished well before 2012!
Have you ever listened to the Incubus LP "Light Grenades"?
Not only are the guitar tones varied on the album, but it sounds like the drums are different/unique for every track, almost like different kits were tracked in different rooms. The drums suit each and every song perfectly (a very open, room sound with great raw snares) - obviously this style would only suit particular songs in your list, but it defo made the Incubus album more interesting to listen to. Food for thought.
Awesome dude! I'd like to hear a snippet from a few of those songs sometime :) 10 Medallion (industrial blackmetal meets meshuggah) - this sounds like an interesting thing haha! Can't imagine what it sounds like.
Why 2012 and not 2010?

It's mostly because of money. Mastering, printing the CD, session musicians and some singers I have in mind all cost money. Don't wanna eat just macaroni for the next 7 months. I might get it released in early 2011 tho.

I am intending to make it sound as professional as I can; I can play and record everything except guitarsolos myself, but I really want a live drummer and piano player on this one, because it will just sound a lot different than anything I can program. I can most likely get a pianoplayer from our school for free (or for beer), but there are no good drummers that can play metal too, so I might have to program a few of the songs.

@Erkan: I'll hit you up with some snippets when I have pre-prod demos ready of the song ;) edit: PM sent
10 Medallion (industrial blackmetal meets meshuggah) - this sounds like an interesting thing haha! Can't imagine what it sounds like.

Check out the Finnish (incidentally) band called Havoc Unit (ex-...and Oceans) :)

