I have the plague...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
I contracted the most evil virus EVAR.
It creates very painful ulcers inside your mouth and lots of ittirated itchy little blistery things on the insides of your hands and feet.
I think my brother may have gotten it from making out with one of his friends at the skatepark, then my sister and I got it from using the same toothpaste as him or something.
And I think I may have given it to a few friends of mine, too :erk: :oops:
It's not that bad for me, and I think I may be starting to get over it ... some of the ulcers have gone away and I dont have very many of the little itchy things.
This thing also has the best name EVAR.
Pronounced "cock-sacky".

I have a disease called "cock-sackey."
you should inform your brother that skanky, loose women that hang around the skatepark are often disease ridden, and he should take the proper precautions.
Yeah, I warned the kid that all that skateboarding would catch up with him in one way or another...God-damn hackey-sack ... I remember all the wannabe pothead skater kids in 8th grade would sit in social studies class bounching those little bean bags off their ankles. The point, please?
ooh eew what a terrible thing...
i had that when I was in the 12th grade... I got like 30 sick days from school, usually this is something to be happy about but god- it feels terrible !
get well soon Laura!!!!!
Some of my friends compared it to mono ... and they were all also highly amused by the name. I think mono's a lot more serious than this because of how long it puts you down for, I think this thing doesn't last that long.
It sucks hardcore. You get this disgusting blood blisters all over your mouth and in your mouth and I lost 14 lbs. I was really disgusting looking I weighted 106 lbs. You cant eat or anything even liquid hurts. You cant move or anything. You vomit alot and spit up all sorts of wierd looking liquids and goo. IT hurts bad. Mine lasted a month and a half. The thing is once you have it you will always have it and if you get a low immune system it can come back and or be passed to others. Your tonsils bleed alot. I unless you dont have your tonsils anymore. If you poke them witha qtip all this bllody yellow goo will come out. AHHH that was the best vacation from work Ive ever had. I stayed in bed vomiting with headaches watching movies and plying video games .
See if we all followed the advice of countless death metal bands and started having sex with corpses instead of living people which potentially have mono and coxsachie and whatnot, we wouldn't have to deal with such problems. Death metal = good sex ed.