I have to wait another 10-14 days for lamentations


The Amaranth Symbol
Feb 21, 2004
so i'm a runner right? ok. well best buy is about a mile and a half from my house, and i run there to get lamentations (this was yesterday). I figure if i have to run anyways i might as welll run to the store. I get there, and they dont have it. so i run across the turnpike to circuit city, and they dont have it. so i run 2 and a half miles to media play, and they only had two copies; one was sold and the other was on hold. So i special ordered it and now i have to wait. then i ran 2 miles back to my house. Even though this is the distance i usually run everyday and it doesnt bother me, it sucked cuz it was cold and wet outside and i didnt get to go home with lamentations. kinda sucks doesnt it.
Kinda yeah. I went to our record store about 2 months ago to look at cds and happened to ask if they had Lamentations. They did.
Sucks to be you. :) At least it isn't hard to get though, despite the wait.
Hey Drapery, sorry about the DVD, but that description of where you were running sounds like right where I live, all of those stores in the same location. Where you located??
I called a local record store, they usually have everything on the first day. Well, today I called there and they said that it was not in, but the computer said that it was released yesterday and she told me it probably got pushed back, but I knew that, that was not true because people had gotten it yesterday. I did not say anything to her about it though. After that, I called FYE and they did not have it either.
Yeah, circuit city and best buy are kinda across from each other over here also, and I went to both places and they didn't have it, then I went to fye..and nothing..so I don't know when the hell to get it besides online. I guess I'll wait until they have it available somewhere. Maybe a local Wal-mart? .....
Heh, I went to Mediaplay and they said some dood came in looking for the Opeth DVD and they said they didnt have it, and I went and looked on the shelf under "Roy Orbenson" or something and found the ONLY COPY. Sucks to be you :) Perhaps I went to the same Mediaplay you did and you got there before me... Pittsburgh?
nah, not pittsburgh. media play told me that they only ordered two thinking that it wouldn't be too popular, and it isn't popular but they should have ordered more just in case.
Yeah, Best Buy didn't have it over here either. I had to shell out a few extra bucks and pick it up at silver platters. It's worth it though.
The_Drapery_Falls said:
so i'm a runner right? ok. well best buy is about a mile and a half from my house, and i run there to get lamentations (this was yesterday). I figure if i have to run anyways i might as welll run to the store. I get there, and they dont have it. so i run across the turnpike to circuit city, and they dont have it. so i run 2 and a half miles to media play, and they only had two copies; one was sold and the other was on hold. So i special ordered it and now i have to wait. then i ran 2 miles back to my house. Even though this is the distance i usually run everyday and it doesnt bother me, it sucked cuz it was cold and wet outside and i didnt get to go home with lamentations. kinda sucks doesnt it.
awwww. :') I have to wait too..... :( I have to wait for tomer @ the end to get back to me to let me know if he has any more pal copies before he can mail it to me, cos I'm getting it sent straight to my door! :p

you poor thing. did you ever think to call ahead? ;) *hugz*