I heard some Exodus!

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So much for answering my question. Instead I get mocked by an 'experienced' and supposedly mature member. How about someone tries answering one of my questions for once instead of rewording it into something they are able to comprehend?

By the way, what exactly are you trying to accomplish by that, Val? And why are you doing it? If being Old-School means living in the past and whining to the next generation about how they don't know anything whil you're still trying to find a way to go back in time, then I'm glad I'm not from the Old School, and that I can listen to something and decide for myself whether I like it or not, instead of 'the scene' deciding for me.
Dodens Grav said:
So much for answering my question. "wouldn't you think it would be more beneficial to your 'old school' metality than it is to keep bitching at the newer generating about how they know nothing?" Answer: NO! As the old addage goes, "With age comes experience."

Instead I get mocked by an 'experienced' and supposedly mature member. How about someone tries answering one of my questions for once instead of rewording it into something they are able to comprehend? See answer above.

By the way, what exactly are you trying to accomplish by that, Val? And why are you doing it? DG, if you didn't bring this into another thread that had nothing to do with this topic, then I wouldn't have said anything but you bring shit like this up in every post you make. I am just getting tired of reading the same thing over and over and over again.

If being Old-School means living in the past and whining to the next generation about how they don't know anything whil you're still trying to find a way to go back in time, then I'm glad I'm not from the Old School, and that I can listen to something and decide for myself whether I like it or not, instead of 'the scene' deciding for me. It is quite obvious that you lack the knowledge of what the term "old school" means. It does not mean that we live in the past or that we waste our time walking around putting down poseurs (I think you know what that term means). Just a little info for you.....it's a musical style so to speak. You are entitled to your opinions as I am mine. You decide what is good for you because I don't see anyone in here trying to push their taste onto you. I think you truly lack self-confidence.
Dodens Grav said:
So much for answering my question. Instead I get mocked by an 'experienced' and supposedly mature member. How about someone tries answering one of my questions for once instead of rewording it into something they are able to comprehend?

By the way, what exactly are you trying to accomplish by that, Val? And why are you doing it? If being Old-School means living in the past and whining to the next generation about how they don't know anything whil you're still trying to find a way to go back in time, then I'm glad I'm not from the Old School, and that I can listen to something and decide for myself whether I like it or not, instead of 'the scene' deciding for me.
Whine.......Whine.....Bitch......Bitch........Whine......Bitch........Whens the Begging gonna kick in?.........thats my favorite part......:) .......With Age comes wisdom...........Old School is not living in the past........But taking the values of it & living with them in the present.......you still don't understand........And you think we're whinning......No you are, everyday!
And I'm glad your not from the Old School, cause your an embarrassing teenage Pouser baby.....Period.......If you were back in the day, we would of Hunted you down in the pit & chewed you up, & spit you out, & you'd be like why did that happen?........You go on & on like a broken record, more & more people here(TL)........are against you, cause your a Bitch that won't stop ragging & drag it over to over threads & rehash the whole bit!.....Your in the minority cause you've made a Bitch of yourself........Dodens Grav=Bitch
I call like I see it.........I stake my reputation on this......and unlike you I have a reputation.........I've earned it over the course of years, & not just here.....
Deadly Embrace said:
I stake my reputation on this......and unlike you I have a reputation.........I've earned it over the course of years, & not just here.....
DE's very well known in the Bay Area. When I got here and I found out
what DE's name was, I _knew_ who he was. There's no way not to.

I've even stood behind DE in line at will call for tickets at shows.....
DE is everywhere and has been for years.

Officer Nice
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