I hope tomorrow won't come


Apr 4, 2010
not the place nor the time,i know...

I gotta tell this to someone,anyone,as I don't have anyone in real life to talk about it.I can't open up.
basically,I failed at life,I've made worst mistakes in my situation.met all the wrong people along the way.
I might jump under the train tomorrow or i just might regret about this post.

This is not a lovestory,I wish it was that simple...I am not drunk or stoned either.
I just wish tomorrow won't come for me.....
I don't know you and I don't know the choices you've made but you are NOT a failure, no one is a failure. Don't think that way. No situation is so bad its unfixable. Times can get tough, really really tough, sometimes you need to ask for help and thats okay, maybe we are all just guys in a forum that just share an interest in AE or metal, but I think we would all do whatever we can for a fellow human being. Don't despair my friend, we are here for you!
DON`T DO IT...life is though as it is...there will be more tomorrow´s and all not equal, some better some worse...

I won't pretend to know your situation , but the only way you could fail at life would be to end it. It might be hard as fuck but you can always pick up the pieces and start over man. You should exercise , drink a beer , do something to get your mind right , and then go get some help from a doctor, get some pills or something if you need to. This board is here if you wanna vent. In the words of the great Master Splinter , "Sometimes the path from inner turmoil begins with a friendly ear!"
Essentially echoing eveyone else here but yeah the board is here with open arms dude, nothing anyone does is a failure they are learning experiances you now know what to not do, regroup and start again,

the edison quote jumped to my head that he said after trying to build the lightbulb and got it wrong 1000 times
"we now know 1000 ways not to build a lightbulb"
Life is short. Death, it's in all our futures. Don't hurry it. Life is great! Just give it time, the bad times always pass. I'm socially bankrupt, due to my social anxiety disorder. I need at least 6 beers just to talk to people in person.
I can't be around a lot of people, meaning I haven't been to a concert in 10 years! I love concerts. I'm stuck at home almost 24/7. I want to meet musicians, I can't. I want to meet some of you guys, I can't. Most of the time I'm too anxious to make music, I love music.

Still, I persist, I love life. You just have to find it in you, it's worth it.

I hope whatever it is you're going through passes quickly, just stay with us.
I would say too, that I don't know you, but don't do it. Suicide is the ultimate way to fail in life.

I was in a crappy situation not too long ago, and I made a drunk thread about it here.

I still remember the feeling, theres no way out and no resolution. However, now several months ago, I can't even remember where it started. It was all in my head, not even real. All I can say is - Time will heal, just hang in there!
The way i see it there is really no way to fail at life other than suicide. Even at your lowest moments, a door can always open to bring you to the top. Just keep your head up. I dont know you or what you have been through, but you also have to remember, there is always someone in a way shittier situation than yourself, but they are making the best of it.

I have had 2 close friend commit suicide in the past 2 years. Its embarrassing to them, there familys and all there friends. Nothing hurts more than losing someone for such a selfish death. Would you care to give a little detail on why you feel this way?
Its not a solution to anything, so just don't do it man.

(Im too with the rest of the guys here.)
Genz...if u have a problem within acknowledge it and seek help...it´s ok to admit that you´re not perfect and one needs the support of others to move on in life HELPYOURSELF;)
I've been there before. Nothing is ever simple in life. Adding to the consensus, you gotta stay positive and keep busy, be creative and don't stop trying to have a good life!