I just bought a Laney GH50L!

I have a laney myself, a tfx, great tone and great response, but I dont like the speaker (seventy 80) and laney amps have one problem...
they arent that versatile on stage, except the tt-series, with 3 independent channels. The Gh50L even just has 1 channel, but you really can expect great tone, laney rocks :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Yeah but there is a footswitchable gain switch that you can buy for it. But I haven't heard anything bad about any Laney amps.
I got my Marshall 1936 cab today :D
yes, but prefer amps with really independent channels, so that you can set everything, liek Eq, presence, depth, reverb, etc.. seperately
I have a Laney GH100L. It has kicked the shit out of the amps of everyone I've played with, for the most part. ESPECIALLY all these dudes have thousands of dollars worth of rack gear, and are asking my other guitarist and I, "Where'd you guys get that TONE?" ... "It's called guitar, maybe a Tube Screamer, and a tube amp. Quit plugging into a freaking computer."

(Obviously, I'm not that much of a dick about it, and I just reply, "I have this Laney that I really like.")
:lol: I love those guys you buy something like a mesa studio pre-amp, 90:90, g-force, etc... and then they fret about it and say "AHHH, I have great equipment but a terrible tone!!! WTF???"
and compresses as brutal as the tone is

there are a lot of great engl amps, e.g. the fireball, savage (se) or the rack-gear, but the powerball is really not in that list
chrisdoig24k said:
4 independent footswitchable channels
Brutal tone, will WAKE THE DEAD
The Line 6 model alone is a god of a rhythm sound. At first when I got my Vetta, I made myself try to find something other than that out of fear of being called an MJR fanboi by everybody, but the reason he uses that model is because it's the GOD of amp models!! It's amazing!! It's the exact sound I've been looking for for years!!

And as always, the real thing would most definitely own the shit out of the model. I wanna play one in person one day, really badly.