I just bought this hand-washing liquid that makes my clothes smell like vomit

tescos are bastards

folks, we need a whip round for a washing machine for this lad, he was too honest to pinch the nick drake money and buy himself a nice zanussi number. We cant have ex anathema members doing hand washing. What would kerrang say if they knew?
ah the old trick, cleans but doesnt smell... try mixing it with some nicer smelling soap if you want to keep using it and next time smell before you buy!
i think it's immoral giving it too a beggar btw.

i once was tricked too at supersoldi buying my ordinary deodorant there for 50 cents less or something. i forgot to smell first... at home i noticed it didn't smell like what it should smell like at all, i think they mixed it with tile cleaner :(
Bambi said:
tescos are bastards

folks, we need a whip round for a washing machine for this lad, he was too honest to pinch the nick drake money and buy himself a nice zanussi number. We cant have ex anathema members doing hand washing. What would kerrang say if they knew?

couldn't you collect his laundry every weekend and do the lot? perhaps you can make a schedule with the other irish lads
or open a mullingar metal washing salloon with whiskey in the vending machines. and free gigs every week.