I just did the kraziest thing mankind has ever experienced

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
I listened to Bathory - Blood Fire Death back to back with our cover, KRAZY SHIT and since ours is sliiiiightly faster (three seconds shorter) I had to correct with the pause-button every now and then but still, fucking INSANE is what it was INSAAAAANE I won't be able to be sane ever again
NicodemiX said:
I saw this thread title and I thought you just jumped out the window again
Me too actually :p

I should try that also...listened to the two songs back to back that is. Not jumping out of windows :blush:
It was INSANE! INSANE, I tell you! it was like I got the drums and vocals mixed, my bass and Quorthon's guitarwork and after a while the damn original slowed down a little so everything got de-synched and it was INSANE
If I did I would probably end up dead and most people don't laugh about jokes about dead people for some reason... Give me another while to heal and shitloads of booze and I'll see what I can do, though.