I just discoverd a great project!

Ehhhhh... It's not too bad. It seems to have fairly average recording though, which lets the whole thing down.

awesome band that seems to be on the right track, this is right up my alley... very melodic with awesome breakdowns m/ not tooo heavy and still very musical

All music is musical.
i think the guy said the recordings are just to find a singer or somethin... im interested to see what comes of it, ya know?
AND I was curious why anyone would create an account on here to just lie about some "random" project they "found" on the interwebz that is soooo amazing you must share it with all of us here...

Because it obviously isn't your band or anything, right? :rolleyes:

Well, you wanted opinions so here it is: boring and too metalcorish for my tastes. Sounds very generic and like any other metalcore/deathcore shit that is played on the radio. Stop trying to sound like what you hear, and start trying to sound like what you feel.
i was curious why anyone would say that shit was boring... and then i surfed through your posts and you are nothing but a critical "know it all" most of your comments are pompous and im not too sure i respect your opinion...

I'm not trying to be a know-it-all, but it seems like this guy is trying to mix together all the fads of today, metalcore, deathcore, djent, etc. The productions pretty awful too, and I understand that its one guy doing this at the moment, but even then there had to have been some way to make things sound more organic. Musicianship wise, its just fine, but theres nothing here that hasn't been done before 1000x better.