i just don't get wiccans at all. seriously. what the hell?


Me no unnerstand why you all no like?? :cry:
Originally posted by xfer
wicca's NOT crowleyan. i mean, maybe, but to the extent that the St. Thomas Aquinas High School Fire Club was Crowleyan.

wicca's most "ancient" origins can be plausibly traced back to 1939 when Gerald Gardner joined a pagan throwback coven and used those experiences to inform the creation of Wicca. but

as Gerald put it "he only received scraps of written material", leftovers so to speak. In an effort to flesh out those scraps, he used his own extensive occult knowledge and the assistance of a talented initiate of his own (Doreen Valiente) to rewrite the rituals

i.e. he "made shit up". but this isn't really modern wicca, because one of its core beliefs was that men dominated and women served the coven, and one of the kernels of modern wiccanism is female empowerment.

I KNOW wicca does not follow Crowleyianism except what I heard was that a friend of Crowley's, possibly this Gerald you mention, wanted to create a religion so he asked Crowley to write it for him. So Crowley made up Wicca and actually was a Wiccan himself for a very short period of time.
hmm...um...maybe, but I really highly doubt it. Gardner just kind of "bumped into" a coven. sounds like Wiccan propaganda to loan their groovy seventies religion even a shred of legitimacy.
okay i'll do it:

"these wooden witchcraft bustiers are really uncomfortable! i should put a spell on the bitch that made this thing"
I like how even though the younger guy is a wiccan which I guess would imply forestiness and wildernessiness, his beard is still groomed into an attempted pencil thin, Drakkar Noir wearin', Blackstreet-listenin' one.
FuSoYa said:
I like how even though the younger guy is a wiccan which I guess would imply forestiness and wildernessiness, his beard is still groomed into an attempted pencil thin, Drakkar Noir wearin', Blackstreet-listenin' one.

dude no one has listened to Blackstreet since like 96.