i just don't get wiccans at all. seriously. what the hell?

okay. so anyway, my college roommate had a brief, very brief fascination with this gothic sort of dude who claimed to be wiccan (i think he wasn't too sure on what it was all about, but anyway) i went to see her when she was in his dorm suite and his freakin bunk bed had black lace hanging around it, and he had chains and handcuffs on his bed. i asked him to explain why wiccans had to have a lot of black stuff and he told me it was just really complicated and i wouldnt get it without years of study.
whenever I see goth people like this...the only thing I can think about is the proccess of purchasing these close.

I would never have the balls to take a shirt like that up to the register. I don't know how they can do it.
guy with a knife is the result of a search for 'serious wiccan'


sadly, i have been reading a lot about wicca b/c of this thread and like, it seems almost neat but all these people are perverting it.
Yeah, I think that wicca, or at least something like it, would actually be pretty cool if it weren't so gay. I am all about establishing a connection to nature and all that, and I relate to trees really well, but I think that comes mostly from growing up in the fucking woods. But yeah, nothing beats hanging around in the wilderness on a nice day. So many amazing thoughts come to you in that sort of environment.
Originally posted by VangelicSurgeon

this is totally the same dude! (and it's an ATHAME, not a KNIFE, jeebers!)

This guy's such an obvious wiccan-poser that even wiccans have a right to make fun of him. See exhibits A: an eminem poster and B: a skateboarding poster for evidence. I guarantee you this guy is interested in wicca because the guy from godsmack told him it was cool.
Ok, that's what I sorta thought, but I assumed wiccans thought that they were real pagans. Or do they? I'm confused about the subject I guess.

Where does the faggotry come from?!?!?
they might, but they're not. wiccans also think that their religion is old, when it was started in, like, the seventies. that would be like raelians claiming to be the ancientest religion because their doctrine mentions Abraham once.

I don't know where the faggotry came from, but it's there, rearing its ugly head.
i'm so sad that this dude is all over the internet with his creepy whatchamacallit anthame? knife? whatever!

i like the woods! but i don't need to be a doofis about it and like, buy a cape.