i just don't get wiccans at all. seriously. what the hell?


Wiccan Oklahomans at a Mensa meeting. Not a joke.
okay well, ugly people backlash. this is where a wiccan thread gets you.

i'd hang with that group. you know they are bored as shit and ready to pour sugar into the gas tanks of state-owned heavy machinery...

i prefer to think the one woman is experiencing an epiphany, of sorts...
once i got in a LOT of trouble for requesting Wiccans "get a real religion" in my school humor newspaper. well not a lot. but i was instructed that this was insensitive. i still feel pretty bad about it if i actually h urt someone's feelings. today is the wishy-washiest day of my life.
once i got screamed at by wiccans after a discussion in which we were like "judaism is the oldest religion--" and they were like THAT IS SO NOT TRUE and we were like "ok, right, the oldest LEGITIMATE religion" (which is also not true--I think Zoroastrism is cool--but it got them pissy).

anyway, I think even Scientology is older than wicca, isn't it?
anything that the wiccan religion could have possibly been derived from in the long past is so raped by these interpretations of the 'dramatic cape people' that it's god is probably up there putting 'die you fucking losers' spells on them all right now.