I just entered the competition =)

Originally posted by godisanathiest
Anyone else here (obviously excluding Mega - if it isn't thats just unfair ;) ) entered to competition on the official site...

A short reminder: the competition closes roughly in 27 hours (31.10.2001 24:00 CET). And a little tip: "Judgement" and "A Fine Day to Exit" weren't released on Peaceville.

About 225 entries so far. It will take me awhile to read them all through and choose the four lucky winners.

- Mega
Originally posted by godisanathiest

Is Hammy helping as well yeah?

Yes he should just like it says in the page but not sure how we will divide work. I bet he doesn't have time to read thru all the entries so I guess I will choose the best ones from which he will choose his faves and I will choose mine.
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Hows the reading going? :err:

Slowly...245 entries in total. Hammy is away for this whole week so it will take us at least a week to announce the winners. Sorry for the delay guys and gals. I found an extra copy of "Make it Right" promo CDS which I might throw in as an extra prize.

- Mega
Things have been pretty busy for me and Hammy last couple of weeks so please be patient.I hope we will have time to pick the winners this week. Those lucky 3-4 will be contacted personally and their names will be put on the mainpage of the site

- Mega
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Hows it going Mega?

I finally found time to read thru all the 245 entries. I have picked my two faves and the rest were sent to Hammy who will choose two lucky winners as well. I hope I can announce the names of these four people by the end of this week so keep an eye for the page.
Originally posted by Garm
Did anyone manage to keep the 30 word limit?

Actually quite many did manage to keep that limit, but of course there were those who didn't. Then tehre were few answers in Spanish, French etc which I had to delete since I couldn't understand a word. Tens of answers did vote for "Judgement" which is NOT released by Peaceville.

- Mega
Originally posted by Garm
Did you discard all who wrote above the 30 words limit? Even those who just passed it?

Yes I did discard all those entries who broke the rules I had set for this competition. Rules would have been obsolite if I would have allowed over 30 word entries...

- Mega