I just found Black N Blue vinyls!

Possibly Creatures Of The Night. Alot of guitarists played bits & pieces on that, including Vinnie Vincent who did most of it and Bob Kulick and lots of others too. Ace didn't play a note but was on the cover. And I know Tommy played on Psycho Circus...
It was when Black N Blue opened for Kiss for 5 months, I read it on Metal Sludge the other day in someones 20 questions, I cant remember who it was though.
Yeah but that was the tour that Gene decided to produce their album on apparently, he must have thought they would make money, because he certainly wasnt doing it to be nice...

Oh wait, I remember where I saw it! The latest issue of Powerplay magazine, and they are rereleasing the whole Black n Blue Catalogue on cd soon.
spawn said:
he must have thought they would make money, because he certainly wasnt doing it to be nice...
:lol: :lol:

Actually, in the '80s Gene really had an eye for the bands with substance and talent rather than the commercial ones that got big. If you look at the bands he either managed, signed or produced: EZO, Black N Blue, Keel, House Of Lords, Gypsy Rose, Crown Of Thorns, Silent Rage...

I've heard/got stuff by all of these bands and they are all UNBELIEVABLE. Some of the best and most underrated bands of the '80s & early '90s, but none of them (except for maybe Black N Blue and not even them really) had the gimmicky commercial touch of most of the '80s bands who found fame. They all either had a sharp crunchy melodic metal sound or a mature, classy AOR/melodic rock sound.

Maybe Gene was just stupid and didn't know what sold and what didn't (because obviously it was gimimcky image/attitude driven party or sleaze bands who sold the records in the '80s), but I find that hard to believe because he is such a good businessman and knew what would work for KISS.... so maybe he just actually had some integrity then and tried to promote the talented bands in it for the music rather than make a quick buck for himself? I don't know which one is crazier sounding because both are pretty unlikely!

Yeah I heard they are FINALLY re-issuing the Black N Blue studio albums. ABOUT TIME! Now I wish somebody would re-issue the debuts by Vain, Roxx Gang, EZO, Gyspy Rose, Britny Fox, Cats In Boots, etc. and all Keel's '80s albums! And Leather Boyz with the original cover!

Why is it that the crappy '90s albums by alot of hair bands are still readily available, yet their debut albums which in most cases is the only album by them anybody actually cares about are deleted? Doesn't make sense..
Nah, he didnt have integrity, are you drunk? :) He thought they would sell and he was wrong, Gene sucks at everything he does unless it is Kiss actually performing and selling out cncerts, he talks about theme parks, stores, wrestlers, magazines and all the rest but none of them ever last, or never even get built!
True :) Maybe he ain't such a good businessman after all and just got lucky with KISS. Though if you listen to some of those bands it does make you think maybe he genuinely wanted to help them because their music was great. Nobody would be stupid enough to take on managing an AOR rock band in 1993 if they were just in it for the money, yet Gene was managing Crown Of Thorns, obviously because he knew they were really good... ahh who knows. He's a fuckwit either way haha.
Yep he can't win really. He's either stupid or a cockface. So really which ever one you choose he's still a sackhead, and that's all that matters :headbang:
Come to think of it, it was Bill Aucoin who turned Kiss from just a rock band into rock superheroes back in the '70s so by the time Gene ended up managing their affairs, the work had already been done and he just had to keep it up.
He sure is :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: I love Paul, he is my idol!

As I've said a million times before, shame about Gene's songwriting hahaha! :lol: I'm sure his new solo album is gonna be a steaming pile of shit!
:lol: Gene has come up with a few good songs, but its a ratio of like 80 percent shit to 20 percent good stuff... If that :)
Yep hahaha. And some of the good songs that he sung weren't actually written by him either remember haha. (God Of Thunder, Cold Gin, Parasite, I Love It Loud, etc.)
The Trooper said:
I wonder if meeting Tommy in '82 then is how Gene ended up becoming involved with Black N Blue in the mid-80s..

Simmons also produced Black N Blue's Nasty Nasty album. From memory I think Simmons also co-wrote something on there.

After Black N Blue Thayer went on to do Harlow & the more punk 80s metal band Shake the Faith. He was Kiss tour manager for a couple of years after that but when I met him he didnt seem too interested in talking bout any of this past bands. Dismissed them totally.

Jaime St James in Wararnt is a joke. If they wanna give it ago -Call it something else!