I just found Black N Blue vinyls!

Well really, Warrant with a fat, mohawked singer who hates singing the songs that made him famous and cant sing them like he used to is a joke :) Id much rather see the new Warrant until Jani can get his shit together (which wont be happening anytime soon probably...)
spawn said:
Well really, Warrant with a fat, mohawked singer who hates singing the songs that made him famous and cant sing them like he used to is a joke :) Id much rather see the new Warrant until Jani can get his shit together (which wont be happening anytime soon probably...)

As the main song writer in Warrant I think his exit will make quite a difference. For better or worse is going to be debatable. And he has actually recently released a solo album in 2003 which is a lot more than his former band did. The Warrant stigma might stick with Jani Lane. Warrant with a new singer - theyre better off cutting their losses and starting again with a new name.
BlindGuardianKill said:
Simmons also produced Black N Blue's Nasty Nasty album. From memory I think Simmons also co-wrote something on there.

After Black N Blue Thayer went on to do Harlow & the more punk 80s metal band Shake the Faith. He was Kiss tour manager for a couple of years after that but when I met him he didnt seem too interested in talking bout any of this past bands. Dismissed them totally.

Jaime St James in Wararnt is a joke. If they wanna give it ago -Call it something else!
He produced both Nasty Nasty (GREAT ALBUM) and In Heat, and co-wrote quite a few songs. About half of In Heat was co-written by him...

Shake The Faith just did one album America The Violent. I haven't heard it but apparently its pretty good, one of my friends LOVES it so I'll have to get him to show me it.

I gotta say I agree with Spawny about Warrant. Jani was the one who didn't wanna play the good songs. Jani was the one who didn't wanna do the old stageshow and arena/party rock thing. Jani was the one responsible for Belly To Belly and much preferred Dog Eat Dog and their mid-90s stuff to their first 2 albums (and DRFSR is clearly their best album, along with Cherry Pie definitely their 2nd best, and those are the 2 albums the fans wanna hear songs from live). Jani is also the one who didn't take care of how he looked or sounded anymore, and also bagged the songs the fans wanted to hear. Jani is also the one who didn't want Joey Allen to re-join the band, and that was the main reason he quit because Erik & Jerry had already spoken to Joey and asked him to re-join and Jani didn't wanna play with him so he quit.

And now with Joey back, just from the rehearsals they've been having apparently they're sounding far more like classic Warrant than they have in the last 10 years just from having him back on guitar. AND they have been rehearsing songs like Sure Feels Good To Me and Ridin' High which they haven't played live in years and "can't wait to play them to the fans again"... so it looks like they really are gonna go all out with a classic setlist, classic vibe and classic stageshow, and probably a classic Warrant sound on their next album.

So if not having their original singer (who was fat, mohawked, tired, drunk, not interested & out of form anyway) is the only sacrifice for having Warrant play their best songs live, put on the best show they have since the early '90s and hopefully put out a killer new album, then I say GO FOR IT!


Though apparently Jani's solo album ain't too bad. I heard its a bit of a mix between old Warrant and Marvellous 3 so I was told... best Warrant related album since Dog Eat Dog. But that still doesnt mean him leaving Warrant wasn't for the better. I think with Joey back, they have the potential to do a better album than Dog Eat Dog and hopefully put out their best release since Cherry Pie.
Its all perspective I guess. I would rate Jani Lane as the brains of Warrant but thats just my opinion.

I would say Belly to Belly is their worst. DRFSR would be my then least fave.

Dog Eat Dog would be thier best album - well in my opinion.

The Jani Lane solo album is quite good. Yep quite Marv 3 in style.
Nobody is going to go see Warrant to hear their new material (which they have none of anyway!) people are going to hear the old songs and nothing else, so Jani leaving wont do anything to them :)
That's a good point Spawny. Shows like that are ones people go to for the classics & the memories.

I think Dog Eat Dog is waaaay overrated. It's a good album, no doubt about that. But so many people claim it to be their best and I really don't understand why haha! It's definitely more mature and got good musicianship and a great production, but imo only half the songs on it are really that good. I skip alot of tracks on it, and for some reason Jani shits me on that album, I don't know what it is but in some of the songs (like Andy Warhol Was Right) he just shits me up the wall!

Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinkin' Rich in my opinion is the best because it has 10 songs and all 10 are excellent, no filler to be found. My least favourite track on it 32 Pennies and that's still a Warrant classic. 8 great straight ahead hard rock classics and 2 awesome power ballads, can't really go wrong when its all so perfectly executed & planned. It was obviously extremely planned for commercial success down to every detail but so perfectly done and worked well.

Cherry Pie imo has alot of better moments on it (Mr Rainmaker, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Blind Faith) but also has a couple of tracks that I skip such as Song & Dance Man and Train Train, and also I could do without the pianos in Love In Stereo. So to me that album falls just below DRFSR coz although parts of it are better, parts are worse, and I'd rather the more consistent album.
Uncle Toms Cabin is such an awesome song :headbang: The acoustic version of I Saw Red is also brilliant, WAY better than the original!
I can't choose which I like better out of the original and the acoustic one! Usually I hate acoustic versions but that one is AWESOME. And the acoustic guitar does sound WAY better than the pianos in the original! The acoustic version also has an extra sense of sincerity about it, and that line "I saw red and then I closed the door, I don't think I'm gonna love you anymore" has even more power!

Although I really like how the original crashed in with big guitars & drums in the chorus and has that killer heavy part & awesome guitar solo in the middle.

So that's why its a tie! I think they should mix the 2! Maybe have it like the all acoustic one until the 2nd chorus, then have the guitars & drums crash in for that chorus and go into the heavy riff after that and then the great solo and then the big finish!
But how good is the guitar solo in the original? And that riff after the 2nd chorus? Wouldn't it be even BETTER if it had them in it? Haha!
No! Its too over produced (like a lot of 80s stuff) its way better with just an acoustic and Janis voice! :headbang:
Oh god you ALWAYS miss the point of every post! You have some eye disorder I think!

I'm not talking about the sound of the original! I'm saying wouldn't it be best if the ACOUSTIC version had that heavy riff come in after the 2nd chorus then the big guitar solo!
I think you would disagree if you heard my version! Why didn't Warrant get me to produce Cherry Pie!

Oh that's right I was 7 years old.