I just found out...

-The bite of the brown recluse is usually painless until 3 to 8 hours later when it may become red, swollen, and tender. Later the area around the bite site may develop into an ulcerous sore from 1/2 to 10 inches in diameter. Healing often requires a month or longer, and the victim may be left with a deep scar. Prompt medical attention can reduce the extent of ulceration and alleviate other complications that may develop. It should be noted that not all brown recluse bites result in ulcerations or scarring.
-despite the fact that verizon customer service told me to take my phone to 'any radio shack' to have it repaired, there is only one radio shack in boston that can help me and it is downtown.
-people find a goat skull on top of a CD rack containing a goodly chunk of the Vanilla Ice discography "creepy"
-I actually own the rare Orion Home video release of Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster
-It is my duty to report to the Middlesex Sheriff's office in Cambridge Wednesday evenings around 5 to purchase dinner for anyone who recognizes me
- I got the last copy of Lightbulb Sun from the Porcupine Tree online store, and it was shipped last week... *crosses fingers for delivery today!*
the_preppy said:
- josh does photography?

anyway, I just sold a copy of this:
