I Just Mailed Testament Merch Today, & Update!

I mailed out a bunch of orders today...........A whole shopping carts worth.....I have only 13 recent orders pending, and those will be packaged & mailed out next week, as well as any new ones that come in..........
If you ordered something in the last 3 weeks, other than the XMASS Special, then it has been mailed yesterday.......All the XMASS Specials are ready to go, when I get the Osaka DVD's restocked, supposed to come in any day now.....If you had a regular order with an Osaka DVD, then its also on hold til they come in......
I just got a restocking of all DVD's......All U.S. XMASS Special Orders have been mailed out Saturday, directly from the Post Office.......And all other Xmass special orders.......on Monday & Tuesday.........The New Bootleg should be up for sale by the end of this month.............until then, I'm still leaving the XMass special up, and its still available, til the next DVD is put up! Thanks.............!
Its been narrowed down to 4 choices......2 are being picked out now.......to be released one after the other........2 recent festival appearances.....one Original Lineup Older Concert......And yes one No Mercy Tour Show.....So you have a fifty-fifty chance of getting what you want.......Maybe even more than fifty-fifty!
I just got all the DVD"s restocked, all pending DVD Orders will be mailed out between Monday, Feb 28th, and Tue. Day & Wed. March 1 st & 2nd.......So we are again, all caught up!

The XMass Special is being taken down today, but each DVD will remain available for purchase indivisually!

The New DVD Testament Live in Tilberg, Netherlands, from the No Mercy Tour, that I also filmed..........Was just put up!

After 6 about 6 weeks we will be putting another DVD up with the original lineup, Practice What You Preach Tour, Live from Reseda, L.A........An awesome show, one of my all-time favorites that I filmed!
I just mailed alot of Merch, yesterday........If you had an order of anything besides the new Tilburg DVD, then it was mailed out........Just waiting for the new shipment of Tilburg DVD's(due anyday now)......
OK....25 signed & numbered were randomly slipped into the first 100 orders......25 more were signed & numbered by Chuck......in the next 100 DVD's made......Now if you ordered more than one Merch item, then you for sure got one.....& I still am slipping them into the next orders, so you still have a chance!
So there are 50 signed and numbered Chuck series......out of 200 DVD's made!

Next DVD will be the same process......But Eric will sign & number the DVD from Reseda at The Country Club(LA) from The Practice What You Preach Tour!
Now I mailed out a bunch of Copies Of The New TilBurg DVD yesterday, & the rest today!.........I'm all up to date.........Except for 2 orders(recent) that ordered the Osaka DVD's......I ran out, out of stock, but I re-ordered them & they'll be here in 1 to 2 weeks.....So if your one of the 2 people who did not get your Osaka(thats the best seller of all the DVD's to date)......You will, I sent out your other stuff you ordered, but you'll get Osaka as soon as I get them back in stock!

But we are again on top of things, you should be getting your new DVD's & other Merch Soon!