I just saw the best gig I have ever witnessed

mike patton is a filthy, talentless cunt who only WISHES he was half as good as any of the japanese guys he rips off
listen to Boredoms and realise that fantomas is a terrible, half hearted, americanised rip-off for mike patton to masturbate himself silly over.
and faith no more? there are no words to describe my hatred for pattons work with FNM
mr bungle? tolerable mainly because trey spruance is a fucking genius.

i have no fucking idea what john zorn sees in him

controversial opinion? fuck yes. am I correct? fuck. yes.

It was a full house :) Great show, especially by FNM. Personally I was surprised that CMX actually had a better gig than Waltari, although I don't like CMX that much (they're from my town, btw). It was nice that they played a very progish set without any "hit" songs :cool: But there's no beating Faith No More :kickass: Not with that setlist! And they really seemed to enjoy playing. Hopefully they'll make a new album after the tour.

Here's the setlist from Helsinki:

From Out of Nowhere
Land of the Sunshine
Poker Face / Chinese Arithmethic
Surprise! Youre Dead!
Last Cup of Sorrow
Cuckoo for Caca
Introduce Yourself
Ashes to Ashes
King for a Day
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
Midlife Crisis
Be Aggressive
Just a Man
Chariots of Fire / Stripsearch
Digging the Grave
We Care a Lot
I Started a Joke
Here's the fixed setlist, based on the tape of it:

01 - Reunited
02 - From Out Of Nowhere
03 - Land Of Sunshine
04 - Caffeine
05 - Evidence (Spanish version)
06 - Poker Face / Chinese Arithmetic
07 - Surprise! You're Dead!
08 - Last Cup Of Sorrow
09 - Cuckoo For Caca
10 - Easy
11 - Ashes To Ashes
12 - Midlife Crisis

Disc 2:
01 - Introduce Yourself
02 - King For A Day
03 - The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies
04 - Be Aggressive
05 - Epic
06 - Just A Man
07 crowd
08 - Chariots Of Fire
09 - Stripsearch
10 - Digging The Grave
11 crowd & Patton's Hellstinky speech
12 - I Started A Joke
13 - We Care A Lot
mike patton is a filthy, talentless cunt who only WISHES he was half as good as any of the japanese guys he rips off
listen to Boredoms and realise that fantomas is a terrible, half hearted, americanised rip-off for mike patton to masturbate himself silly over.
and faith no more? there are no words to describe my hatred for pattons work with FNM
mr bungle? tolerable mainly because trey spruance is a fucking genius.

i have no fucking idea what john zorn sees in him

controversial opinion? fuck yes. am I correct? fuck. yes.

fuck no you are not correct.

Talentless? not a matter of opinion, you are simply utterly stupidly and childishly wrong there my friend. Dude is one of the most talented singers around, and a superb frontman/showman. I so wish i could see them live some day now that they reunited, hopefully it will last
fuck no you are not correct.

Talentless? not a matter of opinion, you are simply utterly stupidly and childishly wrong there my friend. Dude is one of the most talented singers around, and a superb frontman/showman. I so wish i could see them live some day now that they reunited, hopefully it will last


Saw him with Bungle a few years ago.
And I`ve only seen 1 band/frontman that I found better in all those years and that was Knorkator.
I was there too! Almost lost my voice too. Greatest gig I've seen in a long while.

Did you guys see the queue BTW? We only went in after CMX finished, because none of us were interested in them (would've seen Waltari though if they wouldn't have played so early), and my god, the queue went around the pool in Kaisaniemenpuisto, then along the road all the way out of the park and onto the street, disappearing out of sight :eek: I've never seen anything like that! Luckily, two of my friends were already in the queue, almost at the pool, so we just joined them. One of my friends was just hanging out with us, but he realized he had a Lippupalvelu gift token (not sure about the word, lahjakortti anyway) with him that was worth €1. HE GOT IN WITH THAT! The ticket checkers didn't even bother to read the text on it even though it said LAHJAKORTTI, ARVO 1,00€ in all caps on it :lol:
i knew everyone would hate me
but i still thoroughly believe he just wishes he was as genius as the japanese
Okay, congratufuckinglations - even if he does really just sit around jerking off to anime while eating Pocky and drinking rice wine, he makes records that plenty of people here like. I fail to see how you're not just wasting time.

it's pretty much that
apolagies shall be reaped and sown n shit when i am sober in the morning
No problem, booze is good for you. (In fact, I may just have to have a few drinks myself and start rambling about those socialist bastards turning the gravity off...)

I really want to see FNM - Patton is a huge motivation and inspiration for the bullshit I try to pass off as singing, and the later FNM albums are some of the most-picked albums when I need a reason to practice or exercise my voice.

weed and alcohol is a brutal mix
i can barely walk
i feel excellent

i can only tolerate his voice in mr bungle, because mr bungle is too excellent to allow patton to spoil it for me haha. theres a few FNM tracks i heard where he stopped being such a filthy cunt and sang some nice shit that i really honestly enjoyed, its just that when he tries to be all avant-garde 90% of people love him without understanding that it's been done before and better by the japanese
as long as you acknowledge the inspiration, its all fair play, but just taking their schtick and claiming it as his own original creation is a bit too far