I just saw this......

Infowars site said:
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BIG BROTHER IS AFRAID OF THIS DOCUMENTARY!!!

what the fuck? if big brother was so worried about this documentary, you wouldnt hear about it, you would never hear from the people who made it they would ....Dissapear.............................. But make sure you send them your money, Its only $25.95............................ if it was so important for the world to know it would be free
Wow, what a crock of shit!!!!! Looks like a bunch of retarded conspiracy theory idiots....Republican or Democrat I think we can all agree it was just a serious breach of security by some jawa's wanting to take down our americans before they see "Allah".....The one thing I am concerned about is this jawa fuck that we just released to Saudi Arabia today????? Why is he so special and why is he being released in Saudi Arabia when he was found in Afgahnistan...That there does make me wonder
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
The one thing I am concerned about is this jawa fuck that we just released to Saudi Arabia today????? Why is he so special and why is he being released in Saudi Arabia when he was found in Afgahnistan...That there does make me wonder
I'm wondering the same thing. I don't trust the Saudi's. That place is the capital for terrorist camps, and for some reason they are the US's "friends"? Yeah, click your heals together and say that 3 times, and it will come true.

Anyway, this "road to tyranny" smells like bullshit.
I was pissed off before just seeing the site , but i watched some of that movie(you need real player to see it http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/the_road_to_tyranny__34kbps_.ram ),... jesus christ, I thought most documentrys they would say where they got there information and Show the proof. I guess you have to buy the video ($25.95) to find out whats bullshit.... and whats cowshit , Alex Jones is a Micheal Moore wanna be , he wants to lie to the world and get rich.............................
old school headbanger said:
jesus christ, I thought most documentrys they would say where they got there information and Show the proof.
That's one of the many problem's with the far left bombthrowers, blind sources. Kittly Kelly's new book bashing Bush is full of blind sources, the movie Outfoxed was filled with blind sources, and they hired actors to lie. And don't get me started on the CBS news controversy.
Cryptkeeper said:
That's one of the many problem's with the far left bombthrowers, blind sources. Kittly Kelly's new book bashing Bush is full of blind sources, the movie Outfoxed was filled with blind sources, and they hired actors to lie. And don't get me started on the CBS news controversy.
Yeah no shit dude, All them fucking stations lie............ CBS just got caught
yeah fox got caught too, they just want to be on top all the time and the end is just lies lies lies.....people are going to wake up one day and say that's enough....that's when the revolution starts!
they have all been caught at one time or another.........Im about sick of one-sided journalists and there "favortism" of certain things................so much for Fair and balanced
CoverUinOil said:
yeah fox got caught too, they just want to be on top all the time and the end is just lies lies lies.....people are going to wake up one day and say that's enough....that's when the revolution starts!
Fair and Balanced doesn't exist in ANY media source.....They are all liars with agendas of their own. I read about 8 papers a day and hardly any of them have the same facts, almost always they contradict each other....And no I am not some conspiracy theory nut just an avid news reader...Kinda funny sometimes you get more facts out of the funny paper then you do the newspaper
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Fair and Balanced doesn't exist in ANY media source
You got that right. Just look at CNN. James Carville and some other lady signing on to the Kerry campaign. Ted Turner should fire both of them, because in the "real world of journalism" that is partisan. And The New York Times is the king of partisan papers.
Cryptkeeper said:
You got that right. Just look at CNN. James Carville and some other lady signing on to the Kerry campaign. Ted Turner should fire both of them, because in the "real world of journalism" that is partisan. And The New York Times is the king of partisan papers.

NYT is also the most innaccurate paper too
I admit that I do like Carville, he is one of the very few Democrats with a spine and doesn't back down for no one. You need to remember that he was one of Clinton's top advisors also....but yeah he should leave CNN if he is going to be on the Kerry campaign.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
I admit that I do like Carville, he is one of the very few Democrats with a spine and doesn't back down for no one. You need to remember that he was one of Clinton's top advisors also....but yeah he should leave CNN if he is going to be on the Kerry campaign.
I liked Carville on the HBO series K-Street. I've watched Crossfire a few times, and yes he does have a spine.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Kinda funny sometimes you get more facts out of the funny paper then you do the newspaper
Yeah no shit , at least they make fun of the truth........................
dude, for all my news, I listen to NPR. I've found that they are pretty balanced and give just the facts. Now it's impossible to have 0 bias, we are fucking human beings. About this big brother bullshit. What a fucking load of (probably marijuana) induced paranoia. I mean come the fuck on. What ever happened to ocum's razor. The simple explanation tends to be the right one. Either pissed off middle easterners attacked an unsuspecting country, or a group of assholes with lots and money and lots of ties in the govt. arranged a grand plan to help them control the world and make more bucks. Comon man. Now I do beleive that our government is a crappy one though, It's the best crappy govt. in the fucking world. Yeah its corrupt and narsistic but it fucking kicks the shit outa everything else. I'm sure there is alot of money that pushes the govt. from companies and such but this bullshit about the big brother is fucking lame man. I think its just idiot's way do deal with the bullshit of life, blame things on other's more forntunate than yourself. While i'm ranting, the Patriot act is fucking bullshit, I'm not argueing weither Bush should be use it or not, I think any president that has immediate power like that is unconstitutional, its like fuckign star wars for christ sake, what if the shit hits the fan with a bad prez and he does something regretable.