I just won $250!!!

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Well, I finished off the rest of my Macallan 12, so before I get the 18 when I receive the loot in a couple weeks, I bought a bottle of Glenlivet 15 yr old tonight. Gonna break the seal in a bit. :kickass:
Mmm, some good shite. I have to wait about two weeks for quality Scotch drinking as I'm a little light on cash until the paycheks for summer teaching kick in. But, as we're at the Irish pub on my grad party, I'll be feasting on fine single malts, oh yes
This Glenlivet 15 is pretty damn tasty. More buttery and fruity than the Macallan 12 and a bit more velvety....but I think I prefer the Macallan 12 more. The nose of the Mac is pure ecstacy. This Glen nose a bit too much buttery and sweet fruit. Damn fucking good though.

Can;t wait for the Mac 18!!!!! :kickass:
Yeah, Macalan has that pete-y oomph that I love, very smokey. But, Glenlivet 15 is nice and mellow. This conversation makes me want a cigar and some Skyclad.
Yeah, this doesn;t even compare to the Mac12. I savour the toffee/caramel notes in it. All I have to do is add a splash of water to release a fucking bouquet to melt my bones.

After I get the 18, I may try out an Islay peat monster.

edit: Like a Laguvulin 16.