I just wrote a bio for my studio


Captain Midnight
Sep 22, 2005
Perth, Australia
And would really like some advice on how to improve it! I tried to keep it as personal as possible, as that is more of the vibe I am going for with my work. Also, since the bands I am working with are smaller local bands, I tried to give off a friendlier attitude rather than cold, hard and professional.

So tear it to bits! I'm horrible at writing this stuff.
I started Temple Studios for one reason; I believe great things are coming out of this city musically, and I want to do my part in getting some of this amazing work out there to the rest of the world.

I take a huge amount of pride in everything I do, and I can honestly say that I will put as much effort into making your music sound good, as you did writing it.

I also offer production services for anyone that would like a second musical opinion, I absolutely love being creative in the studio. I went down this path ultimately to make great music. A great mix can't save bad music, but a good mix will make good music sound even better.

If you choose to make your record with me, you will receive a finished product that we can both be proud of.

Examples of my work can be found on my myspace:

Studio rates and Booking Information can be found in my notes.
That's exactly what I wanted to stay away from, purely to be different for differences sake. There's a lot of other "studios" around here, that are basically a 003 in a bedroom, and are marketing themselves as being super professional, and being in a couple of bands I speak to other guys about other studios a lot and the main complaint from them has been other peoples attitudes, and not really caring about the music (as shown by a guy that uses the same preset for literally everything). So I tried to put as much care and personal touch into my bio as possible... in the hope to drum up some work! ha.
I like it.

But to induce a little humour, I just love this line:
"I take a huge amount of pride in everything I do, and I can honestly say that I will put as much effort into making your music sound good, as you did writing it."

Somehow I recalled some of the musicians i've recorded and the "effort" they put into writing their music :D
I started Temple Studios for one reason; I believe great things are coming out of this city musically, and I want to do my part in getting some of this amazing work out there to the rest of the world.
This is actually 2 reasons.

I take a huge amount of pride in everything I do, and I can honestly say that I will put as much effort into making your music sound good, as you did writing it.

Lose the second comma.

I also offer production services for anyone that would like a second musical opinion, I absolutely love being creative in the studio. I went down this path ultimately to make great music. A great mix can't save bad music, but a good mix will make good music sound even better.
I would put the last 2 sentences about mixing first in this paragraph as it is your main objective (I think) and the paragraph before it where you talk about making their music sounds good implies recording/mixing, so it flows better. The producing angle is really the next idea.

I might also add some key words that help get across the feelings you are trying to impart. Something like "If you choose to make your record with me, not only will you enjoy working in a relaxed, creative-driven environment, but you will end up with a finished product that we can both be proud of.

Just my 2 cents.
Nice job and good luck.
Thanks for all the advice guys, I'm going to have a crack at editing it when I finally wake up a little. There's links to myspace at the moment as the bio is still just for a myspace / facebook page, and putting music on facebook is absolutely heinous. I'm getting an actual site done which will have clips and whatnot, but that's still a work in progress.
Something along these lines?
I'm used to writing academically, so no first person. Or third. Just facts!

I started Temple Studios for two reasons; I believe great musical things are coming out of this city, and I want to do my part in getting some of this amazing work out there to the rest of the world.

I take a huge amount of pride in my work and will match the effort and time into making music sound good, that was put into write and rehearse it.

Production services are offered for anyone that would like a second musical opinion. I went down this path to make great music, so if I can offer my experience - I will happily oblige.

A great mix can't save bad music, but a great mix will make good music sound even better.

If you make your record with me, you will receive a finished product that all involved can both be proud of.

Examples of my work can be found on my myspace:

Studio rates and Booking Information can be found in my notes.
Originally Posted by tempe View Post
I started Temple Studios for two reasons; I believe great musical things are coming out of this city, and I want to do my part in getting some of this amazing work out there to the rest of the world.

I take a huge amount of pride in my work and will put as much time and effort into making your mix sound good, that you put into writing and rehearsing it.

Production services are also offered for anyone that would like a second musical opinion. I went down this path to make great music, so if I can offer my experience, I will happily oblige.

A great mix can't save bad music, but a great mix will make good music sound even better.
Unless you are joey sturgis, in which case, anything is possible.

If you make your record with me, you will receive a finished product that you, and most importantly your fans, can be happy with.

Examples of my work can be found on my myspace:

Studio rates and Booking Information can be found in my notes.


*I did change some actually haha*