I killed my V card and motherboard!


Mar 29, 2006
Warrensburg, MO
Man, I HAD a liquid cooled pc. My friend comes over, looking at it, while I wasn't around, and tips it on it's side to look at it's insides. By tipping it on it's side, the pump in the cooler ran dry, and seized up. I was not aware of this, and the pc kept running. 15 minutes later, it shuts off. The video card was smoked, and while it worked once with another v card, I put the bad V card back in and smoked the mother board.:cry: The good news is, Pentium D stuff is CHEAP now, $65 for chip, and my new v card is better. So, for $250, I'm actually upgrading! The bad news is, I'm right in the middle of tracking guitars for a band's album, and fucking waiting for parts! Here's the lesson.:heh: Don't fuck with liquid cooling, and don't let ANYONE touch your shit!
He is paying for the replacement, correct?

I hope he is as well, I was thinking about a water cooled system for me as a gamer, for the low noise thing, but the fact that something like that can happen just by tipping the case on it's side is putting me off. I think I'll reconsider.

2000th post btw w00t :D
Man, I'm beyond fucking pissed, but I've REALLY kept my cool about this, and these are the type of things that can kill a friendship. A "loaner" pc, while I wait, would be a cool gesture, huh. I haven't asked him to pay for it, and he hasn't offered. He can buy the beer from now on! I just blame myself for letting it happen. The way I look at it is, I had a P4 3.4 and vga card. I'm gonna have a faster front bus speed, and better video, with the new dual chip and shit. And I will build a backup pc with the old chip. I'm just in fucking SHOCK that this simple mistake could cause so much fucking damage. If your checking out the liquid coolers, they work, but you have to constantly monitor them, worry about fucking AIR BUBBLES, and refill with fucking antifreeze type liquid shit all the fucking time. Mine was a Kingwin artic cooler, I wouldn't recommend it!:lol: Think about what happened to me, and consider what could happen. I'm going back to fans!
Man, I'm beyond fucking pissed, but I've REALLY kept my cool about this

Ba dum psssh!


Sorry :oops:
Newegg rocks my fucking socks - just put a new computer together for myself (64 X2 4400+, ATI x1900 Crossfire setup, 2 gigs of ram) and got away with it for under $600 - everything but monitor, mouse and keyboard, and sound card (my trusty Audiophile 2496). I'd father Newegg's baby, no fucking doubt about it.

Nah, I have no beef with newegg, compared to tigerpunkassdirect. So, I get the fan today. I go to assemble, and the ram sticks don't fit my new board. I fuckin ordered ddr ram, when I needed DDR 2 ram.:oops: Another overnight, wait.:ill: I ordered 4 motherfucking GIGS of that shit!:) Hopefully, the Fedex guy doesn't find me with a noose around my neck, tomorrow!:lol: Man, I've been down for nearly 2 weeks! FUCK!
Yeah, I'd throw a shit fit if the 2 gigs of RAM I spent $180 on weren't the right type... but I have seen more problems with people not knowing that motherboard sockets and CPUs need to match than a person ever needs to see...

"So... umm... can I, liek, u know, get an... adapter? One time I got one of those one time for my CD player, and the world didn't end..."

Kill. Me. Now.
