I know, it's not my first thread about it....ENGL e645 compressor

yup, that's what I proposed....he said "the PB HAS to be in the mix, cause I'm Engl Endorser"....

You're still using an ENGL cab.... besides, you're not endorsed by ENGL, so who cares? He only has to worry on stage.

Reamp & don't bother telling him. That's what I'd do, anyway. Just make up some "post EQ" bullshit & everyone's happy.
Sure don't hear that on here everyday! Care to elaborate?

EMG 81's have a rather mid-voicing
so does the engl powerball.

putting those together, maybe with another mid-type booster such as a tubescreamer, just makes that there simply is to much mid...

RESULT : crap

A lot of players think that they can dial in a PB like a rectifier, and that doesn't work at all. The amp is, as stated above, rather mid-voiced, so you have to exploit that, therefor, you can NOT scoop them away.

For those interested :