I love Chupe!!

actually, i was cleaning out my computer just now and ran across them. i seriously think i do have psychic leanings. although the two playlists are kinda similar- so i'm unoriginal.

1) Further Seems Forever - The Moon is Down (from The Moon is Down)
2) The Sights - track 2 (from Got What We Want)
3) Yann Tiersen - track 3 (from Amelie soundtrack)
4) Neko Case - I Wish I Was the Moon (from Blacklisted)
5) Loren Mazzacane Connors - track 2 from Airs
6) Laika - Prairie Dog from Sounds of the Satellites
7) Stereolab - Puncture In The Radax Permutation from Cobra and Phases Group
8) Ester Drang - from Infinite Keys
9) Bernard Herrmann - Love scene from Vertigo
10-11) Mel Torme - New York medley
12) Cibo Matto - from Stereotype A
13) Yuka Honda track 9 from Tzadik release
14) Lamb - What Sound (from What Sound)
15) Yann Tiersen - piano trk from Amelie
16) Devin Townsend Band trk 2 from Accelerated Evolution
17) Loch Ness Mouse - Salty Hair (from Key West)
18) HUM - Isle of the Cheetah (from Downward is Heavenward)
19) John Barry - You Only Live Twice
20) Veggietales - The Hairbrush Song
21) Sarah Vaughan - Dreamsville (by Henry Mancini)


John Barry - You Only Live Twice
The Sights - Don't Want You Back - trk 1 from Got What We Want
Neko Case - Favorite - from Canadian Amp
Loren Mazzacane Connors - track 3 - from Airs
Grief - I Hate the Human Race
Cibo Matto - from Stereotype A
Sneaker Pimps - Ten to Twenty - from Splinter
Bull Harman - Norwegian Wood - from Rosewood, Spruce, and Ebony
Patto - track 2 from Patto
Bernard Herrmann - Love Scene from Vertigo
Chris Whitley - Radar from Rocket House
The Sadies - from Pure Gold
Ram-Zet last track from Escape
DJ Food - Aging Young Rebel - from Kaleidescope
Solex - Randy Costanza - from Pick-Up
Harold Budd & Cocteau Twins - track 3? can't remember
Sarah Vaughn - Dreamsville (by Mancini)
Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire - from The Swimming Hour
Candlemass - The Samarithan - from Nightfall
Porcupine Tree - track 2 from Lightbulb Sun
Miles Davis - track 3 from Kind of Blue