I'm in the band, and I think off-topic BS is fun

I noticed the way that works too. I tried typing in the bracket and img the html way, and it didn't work. It always seems to work if you use the IMG button, though. It looks exactly the same in the post, but for some reason works differently. Must be a magic button.
Originally posted by LoboUivante
let's talk about EVIL DEAD!!! what would be the motivation when the main character took his hand and placed the electric saw instead... can a person be any dumber?

... i apologize for being flaming EVIL DEAD!
Well, the hand was being zombified at the time, so it seemed like a good idea from where I was sitting. Better to have one less hand and be 98% human than to be 100% zombie.
Not to imply that people who have lost their limbs in horrific accidents are any less of human beings than the rest of us... they're probably more human having just gone through the experience.

Is zombified a word? Well, it is now.

See Dick.
See Jane.
See Dick zombify Jane.
Zombify, Dick, zombify.
It's all coming back now, i saw that movie like 4 moths ago while having dinner. When i was a kid with 10 years or less i used to see many and many horror movies, then i saw some Evil Dead movie (the one with the TV) and coulnd't see any horror movie for at least 4 years... sad is that i think that movie was like a comedy or something. :err:

Xter: im soooo there ;)