I made another DEATH METAL song

Hah, I wanna try too...give me few hours, already have the beer here, haha.

Ahhh...fuck it, I hate programming the drums...
Wow, that's some awesome stuff right there. I'm impressed. I encourage you to do more like it. Are the drums artificial or real?
If I was a woman, I'd blow you.

(Enough cocksucking).
You have my adress so you can send me free releases.
Erik said:
THANX (to the rest of you as well, with the possible exception of Tranq)

...but what the fuck IS a slam part/riff/death? I never got that, and I also (without really having heard any) think that slam death is probably fucking stupid. Dying Fetus "Bathe in Entrails" starting at 02:37, is that a "slam part"?

Nah, that's not really a slam riff. Think VERY FUCKING HEAVY AND CRUSHING riffs that often are slower than the drum beat. I'm not an expert when it comes to guitar terminology, but I believe most slam riffs are downstrokes only. A perfect example of a slam riff can be found here, Despondency's "God On Acid" starting at 2:45.
never heard nasheim or anything and honestly i know nothing about it (if youd care to upload a track or something, id be glad to listen) but this is cool stuff! especially if youre just doing it on a whim out of boredom.