Thrash compilation for Wacken + stuff


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
I just burned:

1 metallica "dyers eve"
2 forbidden "chalice of blood"
3 slayer "at dawn they sleep"
4 onslaught "thrash till the death"
5 exodus "bonded by blood"
6 metallica "damage inc"
7 kreator "betrayer"
8 dark angel "merciless death"
9 testament "curse of the legions of death"
10 sepultura "inner self"
11 toxic holocaust "war is hell"
12 slayer "angel of death"
13 sodom "witching metal"
14 anthrax "metal thrashing mad"
15 destruction "nailed to the cross"
16 metallica "the four horsemen"
17 heathen "opiate of the masses"
18 merciless "painless end"

I'm not sure a thrash compilation for festival usage gets any better than this. :D

On another note, the Lethal cover art is done.

On yet another note, it seems Nasheim has found labels for both a full-length LP and CD.
Shit man, you are too creative. Honestly, someone needs to follow you guys around for a while with a camera (especially at Wacken) and make a 'fly on the wall' documentary, just for the hilarity.
Not at Wacken though. Seeing Sorath vomit, and headbang at the same time with devil hands held up to the sky, would have to end up in the opening credits.
Congratulations are in order: Graduation, Nasheim finding a label for a full-length, completing the Lethal cover art, and returning to Wacken. \m/

Think you can throw me a couple of cool classic reviews too? I thought it would be cool if the next upload had a contribution from everyone! :cool:
That's all great news, man. Congrats.

PS - Did it strike anyone else as funny that you have Erik, Emil, Mike, and then just Bob? Not to mention the weird lip thing he's doing.
In the USA, "Bob" is usually a reference to a redneck name, such as Jim Bob or Joe Bob. I just thought it was funny.
We Swedes also use the german-crafted Leopard but we stuff our own electronice inside to make it SUPERIOR. It's actually one of the best tanks in the world, that Strv 122 as it's called in the swedish army.
some points:

1) Erik looks a little bit Mustaine-ish in the fist pic. :)
2) that comp RULES. hell, you've got Forbidden on it, how can it not?
3) however, it IS missing "Wake Up Dead" and "Set the World Afire".
4) graduating school is one of the best feelings in the world. the feeling on the next day isn't quite as good.
5) your drummer's hair is too short. fire him. you don't want him to embarass you. ;)
1) it's not in the gay way.
2) pwnage. my CD-burning software blows.
3) ^^ if not for the above, i'd make you the comp to end all comps. i've come across nothing to surpass their first 4 in terms of speed and (guitar) skill.
4) indeed
5) replace him with Profanity while he's gone. as a joke. and a funny album cover.
Erik said:
3) I don't own any Megadeth albums and the only songs I've heard are "The Mechanix", "Hangar 18" and "Set the World Afire". Sorry, you may now burn me at the stake.

Download "Wake Up Dead" and "Holy Wars" now before I beat you with your own stick.
Erik needs Rust in Peace and Peace Sells. NOW NOW NOW!!!!

Congrats on all the stuff. Everything has ruled infinitely more each day since I graduated high school, even basic crap like Fruit Loops. Sure, they're good when you're 17, but get even sweeter with each passing day...
Congratulations as fuck. I will buy double copies of the vinyl and cd. I can't understand how you could have missed out ont he first 4 megadeth albums. They are essential for a thrash maniac as yourself. Oh, and nice cover art.