Improve my thrash collection

"Requiem" is Bathory's only 100% thrash album... Songs like "Holocaust" or "Dies Irae" are obviously thrash fucking metal more than anything else also though...
Tearstained focuses and The Return and Under The Sign Of The Black Mark though. God himself should listen to this band.
I only gave it a short listen earlier today (3 songs). So i havent really formed an opinion on tearstained yet, but the description you gave was spot on.

my main problem (which prevents me from wanting to listen to it now) was that it really does sound like a poor effort in combining parts of quorthon's vocals with kind diamond's. the lightly sung/ almost spoken verses actually made me laugh. it just sound like he tried to hard, but was unsure whether he could pull it off - a shakey confidence I guess.

musically its nothing amazing either, but i guess i really shouldnt comment any further till i listen to the full album.

usually your tastes are pretty simialr to mine, but im not liking tearstained's chances.
misfit said:
I only gave it a short listen earlier today (3 songs). So i havent really formed an opinion on tearstained yet, but the description you gave was spot on.

my main problem (which prevents me from wanting to listen to it now) was that it really does sound like a poor effort in combining parts of quorthon's vocals with kind diamond's. the lightly sung/ almost spoken verses actually made me laugh. it just sound like he tried to hard, but was unsure whether he could pull it off - a shakey confidence I guess.

musically its nothing amazing either, but i guess i really shouldnt comment any further till i listen to the full album.

usually your tastes are pretty simialr to mine, but im not liking tearstained's chances.

Can't blame you. It really isn't much more than a tribute to Old School BM (MF and Bathory most obviously), but the crappy lyrics and self loathing shit can be hard to look past initially. Hopefully that will stop, however, because the first three albums are part of the Suicide Trilogy, and I believe the next is supposed to be about Homicide, so that may help. Tearstained is rerecording its debut album, and is supposedly working on 2 new albums this year.
Dodens Grav said:
I masturbate to this band (not really). Final Thoughts, his most recent, is best. Monumental In Its Sorrow and There Is No Hope are fairly equal, the latter possibly slightly better. As stated earlier, however, Tearstained is not Thrash. At all. It's basically Bathory + Mercyful Fate (most notably the falsetto-of-doom-awesomeness that fills nearly every song) + a bit of originality. Shitty, self-loathing lyrics, but who the fuck cares? Bathory and Mercyful Fate are two of the best bands of all time.

Bathory's my favourite band of all time, and Mercyful Fate is up there! I love King's falsetto, and everything about both bands. That said, I've tried to listen to "Monumental In It's Sorrow" a few times over the past couple of months, and the falsetto just sounds fucking stupid and out of place, and the music doesn't sound that special either.
anonymousnick2001 said:
You'd argue that Bathory weren't even a little thrash?

has whoever made this argument even listend to the first bathory album? If so you can't possibly deny that it is not thrashy.