None Shall Defy has 42 pages of ratings on RYM, 37 of those pages, that's THIRTY SEVEN of them, are from 2009 and onward . So yes, you can now please proceed to shut the fuck up.
You also havent given any examples outside of LOOK A FEW PEOPLE REVIEWED IT BEFORE 2010 WHICH MEANS YOU ARE WRONG AND YOU THINK IT:S SUPER OBSCURE or whatever it is your deformed little mind processed and spit out. You're a fucking retard who starts arguments with yourself in your own head. Like i said you gave zero examples and all you basically did here is act like a little bitch because i pointed out a clear fact. I never even said it's a bad album you stupid faggot just said how it got real popular in the last 10 or so years, and with it naturally came the shitload of pretentious douchers. Ones which we have plenty of here.
"as have others"
. This guy is delusional.
Leave it to a faggot like yourself to take this whole thing where i basically said they got "popular" in the last 10 or so years and try to blow it into something personal where you're trying to take shots at me with things that have nothing to do with this conversation. Has me schooling you in the past left a few scars?