Coroner is a band with five albums, Slayer is a band with five albums worth mentioning, and Coroner's five generally wipe the floor with Slayer's. The only counter argument one could reasonably make is that RIP and Grin aren't thrash albums and therefore aren't valid for discussion.
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l think for me.. RIP (is very much thrash), Punishment For Decadence, No More Colour and Mental Vortex are a stronger string of albums than the first 5 Slayer albums. That's my ear's you fuckers - not your's. Grin was a disappointment.
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I have only done one round, and didn't like Metallica until the band was 20+ years old. I got into metal late due to puritanic parents.

How many people here got into Slayer in the 80's? I have no idea, but I'm sure you can have nostalgia even though you didn't get into a band until the early/mid 2000's.
How many people here got into Slayer in the 80's? I have no idea, but I'm sure you can have nostalgia even though you didn't get into a band until the early/mid 2000's.

Fair point. I still see HB as being correct about Slayer vs Coroner. Slayer would beat most other counters but should not beat Coroner, and I say that not based on just my personal opinion but on how much respect demonstrated towards Coroner by comparison in many threads.
Fair point. I still see HB as being correct about Slayer vs Coroner. Slayer would beat most other counters but should not beat Coroner, and I say that not based on just my personal opinion but on how much respect demonstrated towards Coroner by comparison in many threads.

By comparison to Slayer, one of the most beloved metal bands of all time? Coroner are amazing but the respect and love they get pales by comparison, if that's the qualifier you're going with.

For me Slayer has a few things over Coroner (though it was still somewhat a hard choice). Seniority (might be cliche but Slayer did "extreme metal" while most bands were still twiddling their thumbs), Slayer's influence impacted the development of the kind of metal I value more than what Coroner influenced (tech and prog bands), Slayer are catchier and way the fuck more memorable IMO, contrary to ContrarianburgerBoy's views I don't think RIP touches anything from Slayer's first 5 albums and Grin doesn't touch most in that 5 either.

This is what Coroner were doing (and the following year was RIP which doesn't come close to Slayer either) while Slayer were doing Reign in Blood, one of the most intense and brutal thrash albums of all time:

I just like Slayer more than I like Coroner, but I live life on the jagged edge!