Morbid Saint
Dark Angel
Nuclear Assault
Mekong Delta

Dark Angel vs Protector was the only challenging one for me, I like Protector a lot but in the end nostalgia won out because I've been listening to Dark Angel way longer.
Guess I won’t derail the thread this time. Agree that Annihilator are bland as fuck.

Morbid Saint
Dark Angel
Rigor Mortis
Mekong Delta
Sabbat (UK)
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Sadus are easily one of my favorite thrash bands so I really had to grit my teeth choosing Slayer over them. Tough round.
I'm voting based on the strength of each band in their prime and I'd probably vote Exodus over a lot of the other bands listed based on the strength of their debut alone. Vs. Annihilator just happens to be kind of a no-brainer.

And yeah, everything else I've heard after Bonded by Blood sucks.
..."im voting based on one album even though the rest of their discog and career is pretty much shit". got it. Again, this thread isnt the "BATTLE OF THE TOP THRASH ALBUMS" bruh

All i did is state a fact ... that they're a 3rd rate pedestrian band. And you seem to agree. So i dont get why you would have the need to point out the obvious like ("but they haz one goodz albumz"). One album doesnt change the fact that they are pretty much garbage and dont deserve to be mentioned with the rest of the bands here.

Also, i bet you would've voted for Sabbat even though they have nothing that can even be mentioned in the same breath as Metallica's "prime" albums.
Gotta love how I agree with you on something for once and you still find some way to argue with me. :lol:

I don't have the time or much of an interest in listening to every album by bands that started in the 80s because if they aren't complete trash by their second album, they only last maybe 4 or 5 albums before I'm almost certain that I'm going to hate everything else (and I'm right 99.9999% of the time).

I'm voting in these fucking things based on Exodus' debut, Slayer's first three albums, Sepultura's first four, Sodom's first five, etc. It's called quality over quantity and stop telling me how to post you cunt.
im voting based on one album even though the rest of their discog and career is pretty much shit
got it.

and i like how you went ahead and compared a band who has one good album and a sea full of shit for the rest of their discog to bands that have numerous solidified classics :lol: what a fucking brainlet.

Gotta love how I agree with you on something for once and you still find some way to argue with me. :lol:
So what? do you need a hug or something? I'm not here to make friends with you man.
Who gives a shit about later-period albums anyways? Megadeth's, Destruction's, Voivod's, Testament's, and Slayer's careers of shit are just about as long as Exodus'. Good albums are the only relevant ones.
i love how some of you are really going ahead and comparing Expodus to some of the greatest thrash bands ever because of one album. not one of those bands are "one good album-the rest is complete shit" bands. They are bands that have numerous GREAT albums, not just one good one.

I cant knock on HBB and his generally bland taste in thrash because he genuinely likes Exodus and thinks they have some good stuff. So i can see why he wold vote for them. But the rest of you who are voting for a band because they have one noteworthy album amongst a sea of pure shit should really be ashamed of yourselves. Thrash has no place for such falsers and i would have preferred iuf you guys stayed away from thrash games/threads etc. but that's not going to happen so yeah i will continue to pressure you faggots.
got it.

and i like how you went ahead and compared a band who has one good album and a sea full of shit for the rest of their discog to bands that have numerous solidified classics :lol: what a fucking brainlet.

Yeah, well, if we're going to discuss the bands I mentioned, some of them have albums worse than anything I've heard by Exodus, but I guess you like God Hates Us All so that certainly explains why you have that opinion. And yeah, me having an opinion differing from you is certainly evidence of me being a brainlet.

So what? do you need a hug or something? I'm not here to make friends with you man.

Neither am I which is why I'm posting my actual opinions on music instead of blindly agreeing with you.
The only people that hate Pleasures of the Flesh and Fabulous Disaster are try-hards that can't get over muh Zetro. Both are fantastic albums with great variety in songwriting while still keeping things relatively compact and catchy. After the first three, there are more valid reasons to criticize their discography, but hating the first two Zetro albums is what every internet try-hard does to show what mature tastes they have by preferring Sabbat or whateverthefuck.