Improve my thrash collection

On the topic, does anyone have any suggestions for where IN THE UK I could get hold of some of these rarer thrash releases? (ie. websites)

I've had no luck so far
High On Maiden said:
On the topic, does anyone have any suggestions for where IN THE UK I could get hold of some of these rarer thrash releases? (ie. websites)

I've had no luck so far

Just use the INTAR-WEB.
Other than the fact that it sounds like he says 'thrash' after the solo-ing and before the breakdown (which is kinda stupid), the song is wicked. Dual-guitars rule, as does the extra 'shriek' on the vocals.

Get a full length CD release and I'll buy a copy. Provided you can send it to Aus. :P
i dont think anyone mentioned SOD, so get speak english or die.

i second whoever said nuclear assault. also get some MOD.

and definitely get exodus' tempo of the damned. by far their best record.
misfit said:
not really. its about as cool as having lyrics in a song going 'TIC-TOC TIC-TOC' and is also very 'slaughter of the soul-esque'. which i find ironic.
Dude. Here's some Celtic Frost (HEY! I SAID... HEY!) and early Sepultura albums (THE PAST REBORNS THE STORMS,) study them before speaking further on the subject please. Also please refer to the ultimate "GO!", at the final millisecond of "Dyers Eve" by Metallica