Improve my thrash collection

Erik said:
Dude. Hatesphere fucking suck. You just do not understand thrash yet. Right now, you are "DOOD DEATH METAL IS SO AEWSOME BC I JUST HEARD THE LATEST SIX FEET UNDER ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!11", to use a metaphor you might understand. GET REAL THRASH

OK, so there are two ways to interpret this post. I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt and go for the first way to interpret it - that you're implying that I'm into easy listening thrash metal (that isn't really thrash metal but related) because I'm new to the genre, not unlike those persons who've just started listening to death metal who hail SFU as the best thing the genre has to offer. In that case, fair enough, but I like Hatesphere because it's killer music and nothing more. I don't care what genre they belong to. The other thrash metal I've been listening to (about 75% of all the albums listed in this thread) have mostly not appealed to me. Sorry. :err:
Sacred Reich - Ignorance
Surfin Nicaragua
American Way

D.R.I. - Crossover
Four of a Kind

Nuclear Assault - Survive

Motorhead - Any of their albums though by today standards they arent considered Thrash but back in the day it was..

Exodus - Bonded by Blood
Fabulous Disaster
Tempo of the Damned

Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place for Disgrace
Doomsday for the Deceiver
you best get Megadeth for your thrash its a must and testament and throw in some overkill that should be a complete kick ass thrash collection
Erik said:
Yeah but eh.. thrash metal recommendation thread. You sound like someone recommending SFU when asked for good death metal or Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth in a BM recommendation thread i.e. you look silly and if you continue exposing yourself to thrash you will probably eventually find better bands and abandon the newbie stuff. That's me point.

Bah, quit pussy-footing it and just say "Hatesphere blows fucking asshole."
Erik said:
BTW, I am going to use this space to shamelessly alert Jean-Pierre and other people who like thrash to the existance of MP3's from my thrash metal fuckoff band Lethal's new 7":

Please tell me what you think if you downloaded this :)

This is the best Lethal song yet. Fuck off the prissy music faggots.

EDIT: 2nd time listening, and it's even better now. You guys better be releasing a full length on Cheryl's label soon.
Erik said:
Yeah but eh.. thrash metal recommendation thread. You sound like someone recommending SFU when asked for good death metal or Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth in a BM recommendation thread i.e. you look silly and if you continue exposing yourself to thrash you will probably eventually find better bands and abandon the newbie stuff. That's me point.

Fair enough. People mentioned Torture Squad without anyone raising an eyebrow, though, and I therefore thought it was OK to recommend crossover bands. Note that I called Hatesphere death-thrash, of course they're not 100% pure thrash.
Henrik Main said:
Fair enough. People mentioned Torture Squad without anyone raising an eyebrow, though, and I therefore thought it was OK to recommend crossover bands. Note that I called Hatesphere death-thrash, of course they're not 100% pure thrash.

Pandemonium is total thrash.
Aussie (black) thrash > them pansy Euros

Destroyer 666
Gospel of the Horns
Denouncement Pyre
Nocturnal Graves
Razor of Occam
Hobbs Angel of Death
Spear of Longinus

Erik said:
BTW, I am going to use this space to shamelessly alert Jean-Pierre and other people who like thrash to the existance of MP3's from my thrash metal fuckoff band Lethal's new 7":

Please tell me what you think if you downloaded this :)

Holy fuck, I'm salivating at the first riff. And has Mikael been gargling glass? His vocals sound more wicked on this then the demos. Very excellent song. It seems you've grown leaps and bounds over your demo all ready(and that was pretty damn good).
Erik said:
BTW, I am going to use this space to shamelessly alert Jean-Pierre and other people who like thrash to the existance of MP3's from my thrash metal fuckoff band Lethal's new 7":

Please tell me what you think if you downloaded this :)

I like it, the guitar production is great and it sounds badass. I want whatever the song will be on. :rock: