I made some Anathema ringtones (and others)

what's the point in having an Anathema ringtone? (put aside the midi-romanticism) when you pick up the phone, it ends after five secs. besides, new phones can use mp3s as a ringtone. on top of that you can have full movies, just buy a siemes sx1 or sg like that, a cc. 1gb memory card and download the avis from a site
for example

(note: only real geeks watch movies on their phone :) )
coldwave said:
real geeks

Haha, yeah, my phone has mp3 ring tones on it. Though, the voices are too tinny...

i have movies on my pda that I watch during class...though the profs think i'm taking notes on it.
i have those poliphonic ringtones but i dont know how to upload he so you can get the:
Sleepless-the whole song-
fragile dreams-the whole song-
inner silence-the whole song-
shroud of false-the whole song-
everwake-the whole song-
restless oblivion-the whole song-
alternative 4-the whole song-
panic-the whole song-