I made the front page of the Seattle Times this morning... hee, heee, hee!


Victory is at hand.
Jan 7, 2005

Well it was on the WWW.SeattleTimes.Com but sadly the article is already gone, but I saved it for myself and am now busy signing autographs..hee, hee...

Actually they came to take my picture because everyone around here knows about me, but I will tell you that I knew it was coming, because it’s just too obvious to me. Yea it’s because I’m practicing Iron Maiden and their form of music just blows people away just by its very nature.

I love to practice on my commute because it’s a great way to spend an hour and besides I just love to play.
Don't you think it's kinda weird? I do, yea it's a huge picture right on the font page with my name in a huge paper, but you know what, I'm waiting for some Bad Ass dudes to come show me their ammo on the guitar.. Yea I've had guys ask me to play in their band, I wish I would have at that time, but now I will open up to it again.
You know what? I’m still stoked!

I wonder if it had anything to do with Street Teaming for the Maides…., maybe… Yea the Seattle Times is distributed to well over several million people, and they decided that I was the most important story for a Wednesday… Heeee, hee, heee… Oh I got more stuff to tell, but you know… I will wait until later… I do think the editor and some other guys over there are very funny and have a great sense of humor...That and Seattle used to pride itself on Rock n Roll! Yea Jimmi Hendrix - one of Dave Murry's best influences.
BichMaker said:
Sounds cool, but It's gone now... is it in the archives?

I can’t seem to figure out how to find previous articles on their page, but I did download the entire web page when it was up and I have the small and large photos of me playing.

However, this weekend I’m going to scan the front page on my scanner at home and show you the actual paper with the really huge picture of me on the front..

Anyway, I know they did it on purpose, I could tell , but it takes the executive editor to decide what goes on the front page, I wonder why they wanted to make me feel good…(I think streat teaming for the Maidens cought some attention), but it's super freaky, anyway, and I will never forget, it makes you feel the same as you do the first time you see a UFO...

Well I'm very interested in what the Maiden Dolls think, yea!

edited to remove some snickering..