I missed them...

Triumphant Apostle

Disciple Of The Watch
Dec 8, 2001
St.Paul, MN
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Evergrey played at 5:30 which is absolutely unheard of at the club they played at tonight, The Quest in Minneapolis, MN. I wish I would have left work earlier so I could have seen them...I hope they come back here soon...HEADLINING :hotjump:

Iced Earth helped me to ease the pain and they were 50% (Evergrey being the other 50% of course!)of my reason for going! They are FANTASTIC with Ripper. I was floored. The Gettysburg trilogy was great! I couldn't have asked for a better performance.

I am still very disappointed that I didn't get to see Evergrey, but I still had an excellent time thanks to Iced Earth's brilliant set tonight. :rock:
Well, at least you got to see Bodom and Iced Earth :)

Dont like Bodom? Seems strange that barely anybody is going to see every band on the bill :confused:
EternalMetal said:
Well, at least you got to see Bodom and Iced Earth :)

Dont like Bodom? Seems strange that barely anybody is going to see every band on the bill :confused:
I have a few Bodom CD's but I've never really been a huge fan. They were pretty good live, entertaining to watch that's for sure. It was pretty funny watching Alexi doing his overexaggerated rock moves and almost falling on his ass a couple of times! Overall I enjoyed them more than at Metalfest in 2000 and I actually might pick up their new album eventuallly because what they played from that sounded pretty good.

I still wish I hadn't missed Evergrey though:yell: I sure hope they come back here sometime soon. I just ordered the new album yesterday and can't wait for it to come in the mail! Either way Iced Earth put on one hell of a show so that made up for missing Evergrey as best as it could.

Note to the guys in Evergrey since I know they read these posts sometime. Come back and HEADLINE!!!!!!!
It's weird, I am mainly going to see Evergrey and Bodom. Don't get me wrong, I like Iced Earth a lot, but at the moment, I care more for the other two!!! Tomorrow's show in NYC will be killer!!!!!!!
Triumphant Apostle said:
It was pretty funny watching Alexi doing his overexaggerated rock moves and almost falling on his ass a couple of times!
That's because Alexi was probably drunk as hell... :grin: But hey, he's a rock star!
That's what they do... I saw them playing in St. Louis - they were the ONLY reason (well, besides Evergrey :rock: ) that I actually went to the concert. I could care less about Iced Earth! :notworthy CHILDREN OF BODOM RULE!!! :notworthy They are the best band I have ever heard :rock:

Triumphant Apostle said:
Note to the guys in Evergrey since I know they read these posts sometime. Come back and HEADLINE!!!!!!!

Now that's a good suggestion! HENRIK - COME BACK!
We got to spend some time on the bus with them
Got a little bit tooooo drunk though...
but it was still AWESOME!!!
I missed them also last night due to traffic in Philly. I don't feel so bad for missing them now that I'm not the only one. But I did get to meet a few of them.

This is my first post on Evergey board. Hello to all.
Seraphim, I feel your pain. Sorry to hear about that. I missed them in Chicago too due to horrible rush hour traffic and a start time 45 mins earlier than stated. Hope you liked COB and IE.
I believe they started earlier then they were supposed to also. I get to see them next time , I hope. :) I liked seeing COB, much energy. IE was my first to see them. The crowd was very in to them.
Yea i missed a few songs from Evergrey last night, but the ones i did see were kinda disappointing. It all sounded the same to me, and i could barely recognize the songs. Might have been a bad night, or their equipment, but i was kind of disappointed.

But when CoB came on, the crowd went crazy and i was flung to the left within 5 seconds. Then the music got to me and i joined the pit :rock:

Iced Earth was the best, they sounded great. :worship:
EternalMetal said:
Yea i missed a few songs from Evergrey last night, but the ones i did see were kinda disappointing. It all sounded the same to me, and i could barely recognize the songs. Might have been a bad night, or their equipment, but i was kind of disappointed.
You're the first person I've heard say anything negative about their Philly performance. I wouldn't be suprised if they had bad sound, as I think the Troc is a shithole that always screws up the sound (especially for opening acts).
ProgMetalFan said:
You're the first person I've heard say anything negative about their Philly performance. I wouldn't be suprised if they had bad sound, as I think the Troc is a shithole that always screws up the sound (especially for opening acts).

True, u have only heard good things about them live, but even on other forums people were their last night that are new Evergrey fans and were impressed by their performance. idk, i just wasnt. the music definitely lacked treble and had a little too much bass. The erie sound just wsnt their, at all. It pretty much sounded the same except for an occasional riff that i would understand. Anyway, im still a fan of their music and like what they do on cd. Just a little disappointed about them live, i might have been expecting too much for an opener because usually they suck a lot worse.
EternalMetal said:
True, u have only heard good things about them live, but even on other forums people were their last night that are new Evergrey fans and were impressed by their performance. idk, i just wasnt. the music definitely lacked treble and had a little too much bass. The erie sound just wsnt their, at all. It pretty much sounded the same except for an occasional riff that i would understand. Anyway, im still a fan of their music and like what they do on cd. Just a little disappointed about them live, i might have been expecting too much for an opener because usually they suck a lot worse.
Every time I've been to the Troc the bands have had way too much bass. I saw Jag Panzer open there for Iced Earth and it sounded like mud... then I saw them in Pittsburgh at Club Laga (RIP) a couple days later and they had superb sound.
I just seen the concert last night at the troc, i agree with the previous post about how jag panzer sounded like shit last year, but actually evergrey started playing as soon as i grabbed my first 2 rum and cokes, so i had perfect timing, and i thought they sounded great, i just wished they played at least 10 minutes longer. as far as bodom goes, alexi is a god, i love bodom, and they shredded live too, it was great, if only they played bodom after midnight, cuz i think needled sucks, and i love the way laiho spits huge hockers all over the stage lol, and the excellent, keyboard playing of warman, playing with one hand drinking out of the other :worship: , then when iced earth played i was completely wasted and completely blown away, i couldn't sit still in my seat and now i have whiplash, and no voice to even talk, the ripper topped barlow which i never thought could of been done, was such an experience to hear the sold out troc chanting all the lyrics to melancholy, and the flawless playing of the trilogy, which i was hoping so much they would play, and i also got to meet and talk to evergrey after the show waiting in line to get a shirt, englund said they haven't started the new album, but there looking at it as being even darker then the inner circle, and are probably gonna tune down the keyboards a bit, and go with a heavier sound, god i can't wait, last night was the greatest concert ive seen, i was completely blown away, the energy was enormous
englund said they haven't started the new album, but there looking at it as being even darker then the inner circle, and are probably gonna tune down the keyboards a bit, and go with a heavier sound,

strange indeed, thus I think the keys very much contribute to the EG sound and is still too low at some parts, then they just finished The Inner Circle after five months in the studio, then we further add that the next "album" to hit the stores will be a "live" one according to the deal with Insideout, as what I heard, so there's not much to write on that one.
I cant beleive at the show i went to at BBkings in NY, i had the chance to meet the band EVERGREY, i mean, they were standing right infront of me. They are sooo cool, they chilled after their performance and was in the lobby while i was buying my Evergrey shirt...GOD!!!! i cant beleive it...but i jsut froze up and didnt say nething...oh well...they are a kick ass band and BODOM and IE RULED SOOOOOO HARD!!!!!
Why didn`t you spoke to them ?

DragonsChildX said:
I cant beleive at the show i went to at BBkings in NY, i had the chance to meet the band EVERGREY, i mean, they were standing right infront of me. They are sooo cool, they chilled after their performance and was in the lobby while i was buying my Evergrey shirt...GOD!!!! i cant beleive it...but i jsut froze up and didnt say nething...oh well...they are a kick ass band and BODOM and IE RULED SOOOOOO HARD!!!!!
Carina said:
Why didn`t you spoke to them ?

Well, becasue first of all i was in shock cus, holy shit...its englun walking infront of me...then, when i could really talk to the band..the bastard at the vendor thing for shirts was like "hurry up and buy your shit" but im soo happy they were soooo damn close to me and my friend, they are truly an inspiration...next time they tour...ill make it my fucking priority to talk to them...speacailly the drum player becasue he is an influence