That's the main problem. When a band change its style, they come with this thing of "evolving". Bullshit. Some bands do evolve a lot changing their styles, but this is definitely NOT what happened to Evergrey in MMA. Unless you're considering evolution every and any change. There's no evolution in the songwriting, singing, guitar playing, drumming, bass playing, and keyboards.
Right from the start it's clear that MMA is about a band sounding more accessible, and trying... trying REALLY HARD to make something that can please the American market, or at least get them a bit bigger in Europe.
Unsuccessful try... fortunately. Otherwise they would be recording another weak album such as MMA to keep on selling well in the U.S. They don't need to repeat In Search Of Truth, to do another song like "Nosferatu". They can change, but if they change, they must evolve. They didn't evolve in MMA. This is just a way they found to convince the fans that the album was still good. Cut the crackle. Canned tuna, canned music, that's what MMA is all about.