Still In The Water Tuning - Evergrey's endless chaos?


New Metal Member
Dec 13, 2008

I wanted to tab Evergrey's "Still In The Water". I thought it's a Drop C tuning-song. But now im very scared of the Chorus. They use 7-String guitars in this and many other songs. This is very funny because they just use them for simple powerchords :lol: I think it's very useless if you use 7-Strings just for some chords. What's your opinion about that?

Maybe many people don't tab Evergrey because they are mad about the thousand of tunings they use in their songs. This is very sad because many guitar-players would like to have more evergrey tabs.

I think I'll finish it anyway for a 6-string guitar.. :Smokin:

I think it's very useless if you use 7-Strings just for some chords

I didn't even know there were 7-string guitars ( I know there are 12-string ones ) , but if they use that it's probably for some good reason , not for fun...

It seems you're laughing a bit at Evergrey : are you some expert musician ?
they don't use 7's just for simple powerchords. Obviously if you listened more you would know that.
wow then they chanced from a e-tuned guitar to an a tuning :hypno:

And nope, I dont want to blame them I'm just wondering.
wow then they changed from a e-tuned guitar to an a tuning :hypno:

And nope, I dont want to blame them I'm just wondering.