I missed you guys

I haven't had any problems with it... yet.... but than again I haven't been on in a week or so.

Maybe you should buy a macintosh than you wouln't have so many problems with your computer :gin:

I missed Mikeal too, I was pissed when I found out :mad: ohh well I at least posted on his thread, like that really makes me feel better.

So did you decide on getting a guitar yet?

p.s. nice signature

ps this was my 300th post wooo hooo
New server seems fine, though I changed my Avatar today, but the old one is still showing in all my posts, even though it's changed in my profile, so.................... :err:
And I changed my title also, but without the avatar, it makes no sense at all!! :lol:

[edit] trying to get it working, dammit!
[edit again..] still not working!! :mad:
Welcome back Oyo :)

The new server works completely perfect for me :)

I've not been so much around lately...1.my bro was so much online i had to log in superlate at night
2. well ... hmm....i couldn't found many interesting threads :( sad...
Welcome back Oyo.

I had no problem getting onto the new server iether at home or at work.

Lina - did you get your computer at home to work? If not - did you try accessing through opeth.com, then re-bookmarking?
Lina, I didn't get my regular computer working. I'm on my parents' :mad:

I have no clue how to get it working, grr, and I just realized the forum has been seperated, i'm not liking this honestly, I'll try to get it working on my regular computer. Otherwise, I won't be posting much.

EDIT: Yeah, I decided on getting a guitar, I just need to sell my paintball gun on ebay first :grin:
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Lina - did you get your computer at home to work? If not - did you try accessing through opeth.com, then re-bookmarking?
Iappreciate your suggestion, but I've tried EVERYTHING. I even downloaded Netscape (I use IE). I've tried to get to it from every possible angle. I cleared my cache. I've done everything. Dune said maybe it has something to do with "DNS" (domain name service?) and that my ISP doesn't recognize the IP address of the board as ultimatemetal. Too much tech talk. I just want my board back! :mad: Although, at least I can use my mom's comp and my work comp.

Oyo, don't you dare think of not posting as much! I simply won't allow it! :grin: I don't think the separation thing is that big of a deal -- it's just one more click, that's all.
Welcome back, Oyo! I thought you might have died since you hadn't posted for a few days. :(

I haven't had any problems with the server, really. I did have problems with IE and my cache. I couldn't post a reply. Every time I got on the site, it kept asking me to log in. It's all working now, though. :grin:
Oyo in the box! :lol: I hear a small child saying it in my mind, sort of like Stan's (or is it Kyle) little brother on South Park saying "Don't kick the baby."

Right! Back to the topic. You did seem rather dormant there for a while. Your own computer still not working? The one I had at home died a long time ago. Much seems different. The forum inside the forum is weird, but there hasn't been one error since I started coming to this server.

Actually, there is one thing. Every time I post, and then go back to the beginning page, it always has to be refreshed. I can't save it as my home page either because...it always has to be refreshed. I'll get used to it. :rolleyes:
New server seems fine, though I changed my Avatar today, but the old one is still showing in all my posts, even though it's changed in my profile, so....................

I had that same problem. I saw the old avatar with my posts and new one in profile. But everyone else saw new one in my profile AND with my posts... but now I see that new one too...

And I also had those problems with cache/cookies. Everytime I changed page I had to relogin and I couldn't post anything. I solved that problem by changing that cookie thing in options to 'no' position. It used to work ok with 'yes'.