I return! What's new here? It sure looks different...

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
Due to some unfortunate circumstances I've ended up away from the interenet for well over a month, and It seems like I haven't been here in ages! Ahh, The joys of withdrawal....Anything new tunes by members here or anything? I'm sure I'll get to find it all out eventually, just looking for a quick heads up for some new listening opportunities before I delve into the loads of threads I've missed...

Time to start reading!:eek:
Yeh you haven't missed much .. the board's been going downhill for more than a few month's .. try the last year or so.

Umm I didn't get a chance to see you while you were back dude.. my father came home one day and told me that you were back for a bit a week ago (then) and he forgot to tell me, that bastard.

Oh well .. we'll have to catch up on Wars of Winter some other time.

So what's up with North (are you still called North?) \
any shows? TELL US ALL
YEah, I have checked out those new Thales and Farmakon tracks! They rule! I pickd up the Farmakon back in Newfoundland, despite being on like a 3k/sec connection. And I just got the Thales one with vox, very cool! Well, certainly how could it not be with Widow Pearl on vox and Thales doiung the music? It was great without vox, but is much better now, though it could probably be even better if they would mind to go beyond the first take, haha...Good stuff.

And Glad you still dig our music Kush! I downloaded Emotene the other night, and listened to it high. All I can say is let me know when the album is out, I'm sending you a money order right away! Two years ago, I wouldn't have been able to appreciate it I don't think, but I think I've come to think of music on a different level. It's very fun shit! And I've listened to it a few times since as well, and I still think it's goaamn cool. I can honestly say I've never heard anything like it before! Is that a digiridoo(sp?)? And the cover art rocks!

And Glen man, sucks I dodn't get to see you. I was in corner brook for a day and called you, but you were gone., Ah well, always be back in christams I guess. The band is going excellent, we've got a show, and possibly one more lined up for november, though we are going through a anme change at the moment. Since there's like three bands called North already, that's probably not a good name to go with, amost other reasons. But I'm back on ICQ, so let me know how the recording for Polluted Evolution is going, I wanna here some new stuff! 5439938 is the number. Later!