I did it.


Nov 12, 2005
I fucking deleated COBOT from the tabbed bookmark things in Firefox. The only reason I come here...Muscle memory. Just habit. Its the same reason people watch The Simpsons. They just...fucking...do.

So, I'm basically leaving. There is no reason to be here other than to feed the trolls. Every person I thought was cool from this forum, is gone.

That being said. I will not be missed, by anyone. The people who would have missed me, were done with this place ages ago, and will probably not even see this. These people also have me either on facebook or msn, so contact with me will be there, though I doubt it will happen , no offence, I can be the chatty/ranting type, but I cannot begin a conversation.

Cool people, some not here anymore; Joe, François, Vikky, Nikki (yeah you bitch), Muffin, Bloody Scalpel, to a lesser extent Squee, and the odd chance the glorious and fantastically awesome Andy sees this. Any reason to contact me, you know how. ANyone I forgot in this category, apologies, I can be very talkative at times, but cannot start a conversation...I'm fucked like that. Almost forgot Swabs, who's transformation, was not necessary in the least bit, but is well deserving of applause, and despite falling for trolls really easyily, is fucking tops. I've already agreed I'm to meet with Andy in person, and I will, so I've it happens over there you are getting a call. We'll hunt clunge and bum if we fail.

Cool people past (honourable mentions): Dred, Marchuiousouocas New York dude, French Canadian Kevin, Gonzo and RoJ (you two, entertainment though my entire summer job one year :lol:), Lady Ratkiankingaknvaskn, and probably more I forgot.

Mid Tier.
Zack...I like your purple shirt, go shopping, chicks know you wear the same shirt every day...Eddy, sorry I didn't add you on facebook when you first tried, didn't know who it was, lawl, still, not to be a dick I have no reason to talk to you and dont know why you really added me, not that I'm opposed, but still :/ .

Shit teir.

Emnity, stop falling for trolling. Like, you are stink bait to these fuckers. The people who tend to fall for trolling shit tend to be lacking in self confidence. It shows brah, nut the fuck up.

Weeabo violin kid, you aren't a troll, just... fucked. Lose some weight and cut you're hair. You'll be much happier.

Marie. You're boyfriend doesn't have friends of his own becuase they all made fun of him for dating you. He was a virgin, who had a crush on you, and you fucked him because he didnt douse your cunt in Comet the second you got within 5ft of him. He's attached because hes a weak willed, pathetic peice of shit, just like you. Grow up, also lose some weight, preferbaly by blowing it out your head with a fucking shotgun.

Chris, you dated that, you stuck your dick in comet-vag, and you did it publicly over the internet. You look like you wear jerri-curl, I assume you don't.

Good night, farewell.

Oh, Alexi_666_CObomgSex.

best poster here. I want you're biceps.
Im both of those now.
I dont want to go to bed >8(

And yes steven, I probably will, the point is, like, rarely...probably only when drunk.

Steve Awesome Mach II.
Thats fucking stupid.

Post coun is fucking stupid. I remember Bloody Scalpel doing 20 a day on average :lol:.
And look at him now >8(, Shaved, pony tail, dissing the fucking Wii, getting pussy...

what the fuck man....I miss my coconut tosser.
I just post sometimes nowadays aswell, the effort to click login is huge.

Goodbye, Cliff. Although, You quite certainly will pop in time to time.
My shit's always logged in. And he's right, its fucking muscle memory. Everyday after school or whenever i get on the computer...

1)check torrents
4)esp forums
6)emails/random shit

i click on all these within like 15 seconds and just systematically go through everything and see whats up. I feel really weird if i "fall behind" or whatever...kinda sad.
Oh shit

Almost forgot a few.

Victem of Night whatever Italian girl. No one here has the balls to make fun of you, even as a simple joking and they don't mean it, because they will fear being stricken down by Karma.

Mobcobco who posts in cooking thread alot. I saved your Red Wine cake recipe, my roomate just moved in with all the necessary utensils needed I didn't have (such as backing pan :s ). I can't fucking wait to try it. I'm going to invite some hot chick over and be like "oh, its cold out I'll make you some dinner", and after an awesome home cooked meal bust out a red wine cake and be like "Oh adn there is all this wine left over, get drunk and take your bra off."
Phenom, Lowberg, Altitudes, Steve McSteve, Chairman Kaga, Chamet, I don't know who the fuck you people are. Been posting for years. I don't know who the fuck you are.

Probably because I rely mostly on the avatar to recognize thigns/people : /
I got nothing to identify myself by, I used to be a real huge faggot and everyone on this forum hated me :lol: Then I guess I still am...

Chairman was the faggot who went on with "The Goat" thing,Lowberg mostly hangs in the guitarplayers thread and does his drunkrolls. The rest I cannot explain
Hey Cliff,
I'm sorry for your gesture and plan... but what do you say? I can understand what you meant, and your reasons not to be here, but... maybe there's no real need to "leave" here? ...dunno, just be around, and post when you really have something to say... unless you'd like to find another forum to post on? And what if you do develop "muscle memory" by posting in that forum, someday? Will you leave that place too?

Seriously, I do understand your reasons, but I would not leave... anyway, it's up to you, and hope anything you will decide to do will be the best and that life will treat you well and give you all you wished.

Victem of Night whatever Italian girl. No one here has the balls to make fun of you, even as a simple joking and they don't mean it, because they will fear being stricken down by Karma.
Oh and I am not too good at understanding what you said here, I mean, I have problems at getting what someone says to me at times, because my language is very different to English, so sometimes I do not get the whole meaning and misunderstand.

All this to say, I don't know if you said those things to mean I am one of the (N) people in your book... but I can tell you that in the past I had my "troubles" on here too, dude, I was made fun of too, so it's not like I have an immunity or something.

But the thing you said about Karma was funny, made me smile... :) ...but well, Cliff, what can I say now? It's all up to you, and if we don't see you anymore around... then good luck and I wish you well! In the meantime, take care.

I was just starting to enjoy you, Cliff...That sounds pervy as hell but it isn't. Or maybe it is fuck whatever
if you are going to keep using the interwebs, why leave? :p

anyway, you can add me on msn fag, but i rarely start a conversation also :lol:
See ya Ryan, have fun with your now much less annoying internet browsing experience. And aye if you meet up with Andy be it at a festival or just somewhere in blighty I'd definitely like to pop over and have a drink, you're definitely a sound bloke.