I did it.

I am done too. I stick around here because of how I remember it being, but it is in fact nothing like that anymore. Only a few cool people remain and our tiny contributions to this place are overwhelmed by the shit that has become acceptable as legitimate 'posts'. I feel like a fly buzzing around a corpse. I only come here out of the most extreme boredom, and even then it's so fucking lame I don't even get anything from it. I will still be around UM, mostly just Borknagar forum as a lurker. That's it, maybe I'll aspire to be a reviewer some day soon but till then I won't be writing much on UM.

I also endorse Cliff's post 100%.
Yeah, I know, (not necessarily talking about him) but some people around (not going to name anyone) here have a bit of a tendency to act like the forum is so terrible and shit. Then, they say shit like "omg, it's not like how it used to be, all the cool people are gone." And then it's like as if they are too good for the forum and start bashing it and then leave to do something "better" with their lives. Though, it's true. A person could do something better. It just seems like elitism to me sometimes. But why do people have to make such a shit deal over a forum? It's just a forum. They shouldn't really expect everyone to think rationally. It's the interwebz anyways, there will always be trolls and twats.
Yeah, I know, (not necessarily talking about him) but some people around (not going to name anyone) here have a bit of a tendency to act like the forum is so terrible and shit. Then, they say shit like "omg, it's not like how it used to be, all the cool people are gone." And then it's like as if they are too good for the forum and start bashing it and then leave to do something "better" with their lives. Though, it's true. A person could do something better. It just seems like elitism to me sometimes. But why do people have to make such a shit deal over a forum? It's just a forum. They shouldn't really expect everyone to think rationally. It's the interwebz anyways, there will always be trolls and twats.

Fuck off, Ryan was genuinely one of the few posters left on this forum who wasn't a total fuckwit.

What a powerful counter-argument.

He's clearly stated at the beginning of his post that no one here will miss him. So why I ask even create this thread? Well, he's provided a retaliation to his own thread creation in hopes that:
1. someone will say "but I WILL miss you"
2. no one will say "no one will miss you" because he's already said it himself.

And that little final decree he made is laughable. A rather petty attempt at sounding like a fucking king of this place.