I need a speech topic


Sep 7, 2001
I have to give a informative speech, but I am having a hard time coming up with a topic. I would be grateful if you could throw some topics at me. Just so you know I have already done a speech on music in the class, so I need other ideas, thank you.
Why not talk about the lack of employment for retired sex industry workers, especially those who have undergone gender altering operations...
Give a speech on the inability of the majority of humanity to put their lives in proper perspective. Tell them they need to see "outside" the lines, and that there is more to life than just the family/work/money thing. Tell them about prioritizing, about how to be human, about how not to pass judgement, about how to work things through before making a rash decision. Title the speech "Balance".

Then - count how many blank faces are in the audience.:)
:lol: thanks those are good ideas and they are funny. I think my main problrm is I have too many ideas I cannot pick just one.
Originally posted by Soul4Raziel
:lol: thanks those are good ideas and they are funny. I think my main problrm is I have too many ideas I cannot pick just one.

Well, in that case, why don't you post up all the ideas that you have so far... And, we can probably narrow down your options to one or two and help you pick the better one...
Oh those `chose your own topic jobs' always annoyed me at school. Thankfully, we never really had many of them. Yeah, post up the topics. We can help you narrow down.
what about, we dream of flying, but if we could fly, we would just dream of something better, just as maybe before we could walk or something, we dreamed of walking, then when we can walk we want to fly, will we ever be happy with what/who we are?

or something along those lines :D
"I think, therefore I am" - that's the biggest mistake you can make. Because there are many animals that don't think in the way that we consider thinking that are. And right now, if an earthquake was about to happen, they would know it before you do.

Follow on that.
Perhaps on the melancholy side of things you could expound upon this rough thesis: Hope is often a good thing, at times, one of the better in life, but more often than we woud like to adimit, hope is a dangerous thing. Humans hope because we dream, but when we fail to diffrentiate between dream and reality, our nightmares spring to life.
death is part of revolution, if dinosaurs didnt die then we wouldnt be able to survive, if we did get a chance to live, then we wouldnt be able to make anything, as the dinosaurs would destroy it all etc.