"You know you're a viking if...."

I've been obsessed with their style of singing for quite some time now, and that did answer all of my questions - thanks a lot Tyra!

I suppose I have one more question, except this is a contemporary one. I've always been told that many don't actually consider Finns to be a member of the Nordic countries at all, some reasons are even some of the things you listed (dominated through many countries such as Russia and Germany). Others because of the distinct language group they are apart of.

Personally, I would find the genome and search for any haploid sharing's (for biology...not like there would be a huge difference, but it would show migration patterns)...well that and culture. I suppose my question is: Do people actually still consider the Finns a separate distinct culture - as you mentioned they have been in control of Sweden, and apparently in history they were considered Swedes to some extent - so why do I hear such a commotion about it now? Hell, I know right now they are leading the Nordic council (but apparently there are some criticism..I don't live there so I don't know).

I don't get this stuff >_<

edit: This is excluding the Saami - then again, I don't know where the "Finns" in the texts even came from...do you?
"I've been obsessed with their style of singing for quite some time now"
You mean the joik? That stuff blows me away. Goodness knows why. It's just so...I don't know...You can feel the spirit of the land, even though you have no clue what it's about?

!I suppose my question is: Do people actually still consider the Finns a separate distinct culture" All European countries have their own distinct culture - this is not up for dispute in Europe. Finland is different from Sweden in the same way that Denmark is different. Yes, they are a separate, distinct culture, but they are still very much part of the Nordic alliance.

"why do I hear such a commotion about it now?"
I don't know. Maybe because of the EU, because the EU is bound to undermine the strength of the Nordic Union, as half the Nordic countries are not in the EU or are not "fully in it" (one foot in, one foot out), making it difficult to maintain another alliance and yet not fully comply with the other. I honestly think it would have made more sense for them to make their own alliance stronger and forgetting about the EU, but that's just my opinion. Most likely the Danes and the Swedes would have fought like cat and dog then, though...

"edit: This is excluding the Saami - then again, I don't know where the "Finns" in the texts even came from...do you?"
Not sure how you mean. Clarify, pls! You mean the Finns that live in Finland now and who speak Finnish, where they originally came from? They are related to the Hungarians in terms of DNA and language. The Saami are the real mystery, as they don't really seem to come from anywhere, according to DNA...
Yes, Joik is so damned amazing...and the stories of some of the most famous Saami singers! Whenever I listen to the classical joik singers, you can actually feel the motions in there voice. I have no idea what they are saying, but my spine apparently does, because it stands on end most of the time throwing me into ecstasy.
for anyone that wants a sample, try some here.
clcik the first preview and just work your way down :)

What I meant with the culture part...I think I structured my question wrong :p . What I meant was that in the Nordic countries and nordic countries only, even though Finns are apart of the nordic council and have a long integrated history with Sweden, I've always heard what basically sounds like racist stuff about Finns. Maybe that could just be blamed on twisted nationalism, but it always made me a bit...uneasy. Do te Finns have a way of joking around like the Norwegians do with the Swede's (or those finger-in-mouth" danes)?

With the origin of the Finns, I meant where they originally migrated from. The scandinavians came from somewhere before they settled in Scandia, so I assumed that the Finns had to come somewhere too. On some of the sites (including virtual.finland.fi) they say there is evidence that they came from the east long after they came from central Europe (i.e. a second migraton)....that confused the hell out of me (missing data on my part), but I am really tired right now...so that might be why :grin:.

I still have no idea where the Saami came from, can't find anything on websites either. Apparently they're greatly related to the Berbers of North Africa...but that is only what wikipedia says (and I'm not relying on that). I'll look again later.

God damn, there are some cool contemporary joiksters on myspace too.

There is even Joik rap :lol:
Haha, was that supposed to be Norwegian? :P
D&#248;d over kvitekrist, de falske profetene og deres hjernevaskede disippler!
I see you have a clip from Immortals - Call of The Wintermoon, that music video is hilarious ^^
True! :lol:
Well the G is a stupid letter anyway.. every language pronounces it differently, so i guess theres no "real" G

when i am speaking a language i pronounce the G the way that any native speaker of the language would.... same goes with all of the other letters:lol:
Hey, Knarfi - the town ewhere I live was founded by mostly Dutch people, so we have a huge amount of second, third and fourth generation Dutch here. Many still cling desperately to Dutch traditions, even if it forces them into financial ruin, but by now, most of them do not speak Dutch (just English with a third generation Dutch accent). They buy Dutch foods at the Dutch deli, though, and I go there, because they also sell some German stuff i like. You know what really cracks me up? A second generation Dutch Canadian at Karl's Deli Meats trying to sound Dutch when they order their Gouda...&#228;hum...I mean "Guuuuuudah". Now that's fucking funny. You'd die laughing, for sure, Knarfi. Can't fault them for trying, but the really funny part is the part where they then proceed to correct the other guy that pronounces it "wrong"... Oh, and Dutch tourists trying to say Vancouver (Fankufer) is funny, too, but at least they make sense!
But actuallly it's supposed to be pronounced CHCHCHCHCHC-ow-duh?

Seraphim Belial: The Finns will always be slightly excluded from the scandinavian community because of their language. On the other hand, the true Sweden (ie excluding some parts in the south and the west) always had a bond with Finland due to it being a part of that Sweden, similar to what the Danes and the Norwegians, or the Norwegians and Icelanders, etc. had.

And hell yeah theuy make fun of the Swedes all the time. Apparently the Swedes are very gay. This is because the finnish definition of a gay man is a guy who goes to bars to talk to girls instead of drinking.
Most scandinavian countries speak a language of the germanic language family, the finnish people speak a language of the uralic language family, and I dont understand anything they say! I know a couple of words:
Nyrkipanno : fist fuck (learned that from some crazy finnish people at a festival, they insisted that we wrote it on our tent ^^)
Satan & perkila(or something): satan(obviously) and satans grandfather Hahah! :D
Finnish people are so much fun, the avrage finnish guy is allmost as crazy as me :P