"You know you're a viking if...."

Agreed. I've had to slog through Latin, English, German, Spanish and a bunch of other languages, but French sucks to learn - not because the grammar doesn't make sense (it's just like Latin and Spanish, relatively easy) but because it doesn't sound anything like it's written. Kind of like English...he he.
I second that emotion. English is also the only language that I've ever studied that has more exceptions to the rules than it has things that follow them.
Up yours! Anglo-Saxon has been around every bit as long as the Norse tongues! Admittedly it's changed a lot more over the years then the Scandinavian languages... damn French influence. :p
well, you know, since i know french and english, i dont have much problem reading swedish and understanding bits of it. i guess thats the key lol i know 2 of the most screwed up languages, than everything else is open to me :P
I still only know English. My next book investment is probably going to be one on Dansk. Might be getting to take a trip there in the relatively near future, and it will give me a better background for working on some of the other ones on the list.
NO dude! Why? Don't break my heart here. If you want to speak Danish, you either learn to speak Swedish or Norwegian, and then you stick your finger in your mouth and speak. Then you'll be speaking Danish. Right Blodörn?
NO dude! Why? Don't break my heart here. If you want to speak Danish, you either learn to speak Swedish or Norwegian, and then you stick your finger in your mouth and speak. Then you'll be speaking Danish. Right Blodörn?
A) One obeys a woman who spends most her time with a shuffle and who does not have any propblem with digging up rotting corpses.
B) HELL YES! Danish is so inferior to Norwegian and Swedish that I just can't discribe it with words.

Here is something for your first Norwegian lesson:
Dansker er feite - Danish people are fat
The only people I can think of that most Norsemen were intimidated by would have been the Finn "magicians", because they were thought to be more powerful than the Norse Seidkonor.

Tis interested me greatly, any links where I can read up on this?
I can't read any of the other languages :(
so...I decided to just steal this from Goethe:

Hier sitz ich, forme Menschen
Nach meinem Bilde,
Ein Geschlecht, das mir gleich sei,
Zu leiden, zu weinen,
Zu genießen und zu freuen sich,
Und dein nich zu achten,
Wie ich!