"You know you're a viking if...."

Yeah, seriously?! The English used to complain in their journals that they so hated it when the Norse came to town, because they kept having baths all the time and "combing their hair daily" (vanity for a Christian of that era), which meant that the women were attracted to them instead of the English. So, the Enlish boys never got laid and so set about lamenting to the Pope. True story.

LOL for some reason that put the image of a cross between a Viking/The Fonz in my head that'll probably remain for days.

Except for in Australia I suppose.

I guess that's a nice call. It gets so damn hot in places that we have alot in common, drinking.

Yeah, seriously?! The English used to complain in their journals that they so hated it when the Norse came to town, because they kept having baths all the time and "combing their hair daily" (vanity for a Christian of that era), which meant that the women were attracted to them instead of the English. So, the Enlish boys never got laid and so set about lamenting to the Pope. True story.

Is this a cover-story for why they had a hot bath??

I got so used to the heat after living in the desert for 12 years and now have a problem with the cold. So hot bath's are a nice way of reminding me that I'm a male when I can finally find the tackle again :guh:

hello everyone!
I'm here on a mission that I am sure you will be the only ones who can really help me with...
I need to give a 30 minute speech for school, about the Vikings. Mainly Norse Mythology, and saga...
now, I already have the entire speech done...
but to end it with some humor, I am thinking to do: "you know you're a viking if..." lines and end my speech in good spirits.

How did the speech go btw?
-You're son dies of hypothermia and you think "Argh fuck ye! It's the Fate of Norns!!!!"

-You die and when you go to heaven, you ask where Valhall is.

-You carry a shield whenever you go outside.

-You think slavery is the greatest thing in the world since sliced bread.
Valhalla is something y'all (Anglophones) have thought up all by yourselves (well, you took the original placename and messed it up). The original place, just like the band, is and was called Valhall, if you want to be absolutely correct about it. Fortunately, most of us non-Anglophones understand the need to anglicize everything, so we're used to the names of our persons, countries, gods and placenames getting funny new names or spellings...
Either way, good Vikings would not end up in heaven anyhow. We'd all go to Hell, then we'd ask where Loki (or in my case, since we're being exact and all, Loke) was. It'd obviously be his fault we'd end up somewhere not Norse.
Nice thread :heh: I Live in denmark and our winter sucks, now days its 0-5 degree a hole winter, 10 years ago we had -10 degree every winter.. Fuck cars and factorys !
Hey, I learned something new tonight:
You know you're married to a part Norwegian Viking when your husband bends over to give you a goodnight kiss, but ends up knocking your front teeth out with his big ass Mjöllnir neckless instead...

Reminds me when I had to wait outside a girls house a whole day because I left my Mjölner there the night before. The fact that I didn't know her name didn't mek things less awkward when I wanted go up and look for it. But I got it back at last muahaha! My preciousss...
LOL man... i never take mine off of my neck.. so therefore i never lose it.. i keep it on all the time while sleeping, shower, work.. it never leaves my neck
LOL man... i never take mine off of my neck.. so therefore i never lose it.. i keep it on all the time while sleeping, shower, work.. it never leaves my neck

Same, if I have a badass piece of neckwear I never take it off. I remember I used to have a rope necklace that I didn't take off for years. It finally took me getting into a brawl at a local cafe for me to realize that someone had ripped it off my neck.
Same, if I have a badass piece of neckwear I never take it off. I remember I used to have a rope necklace that I didn't take off for years. It finally took me getting into a brawl at a local cafe for me to realize that someone had ripped it off my neck.

wow man somebody would have died if my mjollnir would have been ripped off.. hell i punch people in the face for calling my mjollnir tattoo a cross lol
^^ Brawl was already over by the time I noticed and my side won so I just called it acceptable losses.

I guess in TheLastWithPaganBlood's case banging some chik doesn't classify as acceptable losses :lol: