I need help with tone!

waayy to much distortion. i think it's the digitech deathmetal. i just checked it out and it doesn't seem to versatile. (then again, not a lot of digitech products are). first off, for the purpose of understanding the guitar tone a little better, the kick is overpowering the lows big time. i'm listening on my laptop and i can hardly hear the kick. give it a nice high pass filter and add some click to it (and at least turn that snare down a little bit). you need to understand that a lot of the thick "chugging" sound from guitars doesn't always come from the guitar tone itself but rather the well-mixed bass, kick, and guitar. the kick is the attack, the bass is the sustain, and the guitar is the overall tone. with the guitars, you need to keep the bottom end of the mix open. don't be afraid to turn your gain down, even if you plan to shred the hell out of it. find a good "pocket" for your distortion/overdrive sound and experiment mainly with the mid freq depending on the mix and add some highs for a bit more presence and sweetening the dist.
i've been using a metal zone for years and i love it. ... live. i have never been able to get a good sound with metal zone recording. the boss overdrive/distortion can really do the trick if your not in the mood to tweak for hours on end.

there's always pod farm...